All it takes is a push from Puck

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    “Happy as can be Brittany. You’re happy as can be.” I reminded myself. While looking into my mirror. I gave a final weak smile, checked to make sure everything was ready and left the house.

    Today is the day I move out of my parents house. Today is the day that Quinn and I start living on our own together. We’re best friends we can do this. We both have jobs, Quinn is going to college. Im… well a waitress at breadsticks. Things can be worse. Im working up to being a director of some kind. I'm still figuring things out.


    “Umph” Quinn let out a loud grunt and I snapped my head towards her. “Brittany are you going to help bring these boxes in cause I can't carry all of this by myself.” She spoke at me almost annoyed. “Yeah sorry just thinking of where i’m going to put Lord Tubbington stuff.” Quinn walked towards me. “You know, I didn't even realize how scary living on our own is going to be until now. But if any intruders come in i'm sure your cat is big enough to scare them off.” I giggled at her comment. “Yeah Lord Tubs probably could swallow them whole.”


    “Quinn you know I don’t like parties, I don't understand why you do this to me.” I was fed up. It's only been two days since we have been here and she's already forcing me to go to a party. “We don’t have work tomorrow and Kurt said he could take us in case we drink too much.. So I don’t see why we cant parttaaaa!” she started to do a little dance while she was picking outfits out of the boxes in my room. “I don't know Quinn, your dance is pretty convincing but not enough.” she sat next to me on my bed and gave a little smirk. “Welllll there is someone there you might be interested in, puck used to sleep with her, they were neighbors for a bit she didn't go to our school tho. Anywho she turned out to be totally lesbian” she rambled. “Okay look, I told you I don't like every gay girl I meet and I like some guys so I’d appreciate if you would stop hooking me up with just girls.” I scoff. “Okay whatever but she’s totally hot.”


    We pulled up to a shady little apartment complex. “Are you sure this is where it's at?” “Brit don’t worry all college parties are gonna look shady at first. I mean it is college.” I examined the place and you could tell which one was having the party. There were a few people smoking outside. Most likely pot because I could already smell it from inside the car. “Is the a hotbox party Quinn? You know I don’t smoke weed.” I was a little more nervous now. But Quinn opened my door and pulled me out. “I don't know B, I’m pretty sure all parties have weed it’s not a big deal. Everyone does it.” She had a firm grip on my hand while we passed guys who were clearly stoned. Quinn pushed open the door and smell of alcohol, sweat, and weed filled my nose.  “Quinny you made itttt!” slurs a drunken puck from across the room. “Oh great.” I murmur under my breath while Quinn nudges me in the ribs. Puck pushes through the crowd only to suffocate Quinn even more in a bear hug. “Okay okay enough Puck” “Oh and Brittanys here! I didn't think you liked parties?” puck says with a goofy smile on his face. “I don't.  Quinn forced me.” “Awe brighten up Oh! Oh! You have to meet my friend Santana!! She's hella gay you'd like her.” Quinn laughs because of our previous conversation and states “I think Brit is taking a break from girls or at least is irritated with us setting her up with them” she says giggling. “Well you have to meet her or at least be her friend she's super cool!” Puck yells cause the music suddenly got a lot louder. He grabs my hand before I can say anything and pushes through people to lead to a crowded couch. He stands behind me and points to someone “See that's her. The latina right there. Come onnn just go talk to her it's time to get over-” I cut him off. “Fine! fine! She is pretty I will give you that and I am over him!” “Mhm whatever you say.” then suddenly I get pushed probably by puck closer to this santana girl where I keep getting pushed until I land right next to her on the damn floor on her feet. “Oh uh I'm so so sorry. My friend Puck was being an ass.” I push myself up off the ground. “Yeah I know Puck and you're right he is an ass.” I turn around and I almost choke on my own saliva because this girl is so damn beautiful. I guess I didn't get that close of a look but oh my fu- “I'm Santana here have a seat.” she moves over slightly where I'm lodge between her and this girl wearing a lot of bling and seems to be having the time of her life. “This is usually the part where you tell me your name.” I snap out of this weird trance I'm in. “Oh uh I'm uh Brittany.” Santana laughs at me probably because I sound so stupid god what's wrong with me. “It's nice to meet you uh Brittany.” she winked at me. SHE. WINKED. AT. ME. “Yeah its nice to meet you too after all this talk about you I've heard from Puck.” “Uh oh what did he tell you? Good things I hope I wouldn't want to get rejected all ready.” Santana says. “Just that you're really cool and hot. Why, should I be worried?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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