a few pictures?

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pov angie: huh violetta I'll come here weltrusend wishes. pov violetta hi angie glad you're here ............ I have a question. pov angie: good question but Violetta. pov Violetta: Angie, you know I love it to capture remembrances ............ and I thought that way whether we could do that. pov angie: but natuulijk violetta why not ?. pov violetta: I did not know whether you wanted it because eigelijk beats anything. pov angie: Sure it ............ but we will now do the same ?. pov violetta: Okay angie is good. pov angie: mmmh just think about how we take pictures ?. pov violetta: with a camera and, of course, draw funny faces. pov angie: Oh yes, of course. pov herman: what are you guys doing when he sees Violetta falls from her bed laughing. pov angie: We were pictures to take as souvenirs. pov herman: oooh, it has been eight hours. pov angie: I'm going herman ... goodnight Violetta.

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