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Hi. I really love making covers and editing photos. Sometimes there is just not much things to edit, so I thought why not make covers for people who acutally need them? ((for free obviously)) 

I'm no professional and the quality of the cover depens and the theme and things you want me to do. Please don't ask too much, because sometimes it's quite impossible to try to fit all the things you want on the cover and make the cover look nice. 

If you want a cover, please MESSAGE ME (I don't check the comments and may find yours months after you've written it; I'm constantly changing and deleting the "chapters" too). And please tell me right away following things: 


*Author (what do you want me to put on the cover; your user name, your real name, maybe even a fake name :D) 

*Short synopsis, it may just be one sentence, but the more I know the easier it is for me to get more ideas and to do a better cover which matches the story.

*Do you have anything specific in mind for the cover? 

Sometimes it may take just a day for you to receive the cover but sometimes it may take a week or two. It depens on when I see your message and how busy I am.

So don't be afraid to ask and I'll do my best  so you could get a kickass cover :)

Ps. Every "chapter" contains one sample of my work. GO CHECK THEM OUT (please). Some of the covers are pretty old and I have improved a lot since then, so don't judge me based on those :)

free book covers (CURRENTLY NOT IN WORK)Where stories live. Discover now