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A/N: Although I saw the movie twice, I can't clearly remember how the scenes went and frankly I'm a bit too lazy to even write how exactly they were played but this is an alternate version anyway.
At the bar

"Yeah you're telling me to own that shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?" El Diablo asked Harley while rubbing away his watery eyes.

"Lots of things but you know I lost my puddin'," Harley sighed, looking down at her drink remembering the time she and Mistah J were in the chemicals together.

"Yeah well I lost my loved on-,ones, too. The worst part was that it was my fault," El Diablo quietly whispered at the end, casting the flame of his wife dancing in a glass again.

Harley looked up from her drink, staring into the flame of El Diablo's wife.

"Can you make a flame of my puddin'?" She asked, leaning over the bar.

"Sure," El Diablo accepted, casting a flame of Joker laughing.

"Awwwww," Harley squealed, gazing at flame wishing it was real.


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