Eldiablo Stories

247 Stories

Regina Ignis || Suicide Squad by AlyshaNNx
Regina Ignis || Suicide Squadby Ndlovu
"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue I'm built for it, all the abuse I got secrets, that nobody, nobody knows" Rick Flag FF
Black cat (suicide squad) COMPLETED by multi_fic101
Black cat (suicide squad) COMPLETEDby ◇♤♧
Katrina Sokolov is a Russian women who had a "normal" life. that's a lie. Kathrina or black cat is known as "russias most dangerous women" and for go...
Insanity || Suicide Squad || Rick Flag by paigetcute
Insanity || Suicide Squad || Rick...by Pez
"Listen bitch, You're no better than we are...the only difference between us that is we don't hide behind a 'good guys' façade"
Suicide Squad Preferences | ✔ by bibli0thecary
Suicide Squad Preferences | ✔by bibli0thecary
Just another book of preferences for Suicide Squad. I've done a Suicide Squad Imagines and it is completed, hope you can find some time to go and check it out. I'll be...
Beauty in the darkness by LucindaHope
Beauty in the darknessby Lucinda Hope
"Do you know what the problem with metahumans is?" She ask them."The human part." But everyone has a weakness that can be leveraged.
•𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧• (𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐠)  by wandaismybestgirl
•𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐐𝐮�...by maria giannoudi
suicide squad 2016 rick flag x marilyn vostokoff started 24.08.2021 finished ???
The Devils Favorite Demon by DJPiper
The Devils Favorite Demonby ‘Lil Lucifer
It's really hard to kill a demon, you need alot of holywater, maybe a devils trap and a spell, or a special knife. But when it comes to the Princess of Hell, Satan's Sis...
The Spark That Lit The Flame by LadyDeville
The Spark That Lit The Flameby N.W.Queen
Cleo Montagneux is a young French electrokenetic meta-human. The 28 year old bartender has lived her life in fear of touching other people. When she is attacked and impr...
Infinite // Rick Flag  by Readersamour
Infinite // Rick Flag by Readersamour
" I felt them." "Who?" "Everyone." When Task Force X was being assembled, Amanda Waller came across a certain file that she thought wo...
The Devils Favorite Demon by DJPiper
The Devils Favorite Demonby ‘Lil Lucifer
It's really hard to kill a demon, you need alot of holywater, maybe a devils trap and a spell, or a special knife. But when it comes to the princess of Hell, Satan's dau...
Where Fire Meets Ice by Ardvark57
Where Fire Meets Iceby Ardvark57
And so Fire met Ice, and was not afraid... Chato Santana/ El Diablo x OC #Wattys2017
Anger | Floyd Lawton by Rainbow-Candy
Anger | Floyd Lawtonby Rainbow-Candy
"I'M FULL OF ANGER, BABY." Lilith Travis was crazy. She'd been that way since her parents and sister were killed. wrote this ages ago and there's like very lit...
Mortem {suicide squad} by cejaker
Mortem {suicide squad}by cejaker
"Am I the only one I know Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat Shadows will scream that I'm alone" I don't own any of the characters, except...
The red demon || suicide squad x avengers by sx_mlll
The red demon || suicide squad x a...by sx_mlll
„They call her the red demon. Ready to take your soul and kick it into hell anytime." „Baby, I could rip your heart out and go on about my day like nothing happened...
Fix You.//El Diablo x reader by Space_and_Stuff
Fix You.//El Diablo x readerby [Dead account]
You knew working at Arkham wasn't going to be easy. Add an attractive pyrotechnic guy, and you get the perfect storm. He was broken. And you were going to fix him. ((I d...
freak ࿂ suicide squad by wiltedember
freak ࿂ suicide squadby issa
❝what if i sigh, and the black earth beneath me scatters like insects running from my breath? am i a god then? am i insane because i worry about the disassembling of ear...
Fire with Fire by destielcannon34
Fire with Fireby Fandoms
Diablos the twins are sent into task force X and she falls for the leader.
Of Earth & Ink { Suicide Squad } by Poison_Ivy99
Of Earth & Ink { Suicide Squad }by ινι
❝You aren't ugly Shi. You're beautiful inside and out.❞ ❝I'm a living disaster that's waiting to be unleashed.❞ ❝Yeah. But you're our beautiful disaster. And we wouldn't...
Good Friends - Fabio Quartararo Fanfiction by Suuuuzz
Good Friends - Fabio Quartararo Fa...by Suuuuzz
Julie, a quiet girl from Nice. Her best friend, Tom, is the best friend of Fabio Quartararo. After some life changing experiences and choices, she ends up working with t...
Dash Of Deadly » Suicide Squad  by t1r3dtarget
Dash Of Deadly » Suicide Squad by im just bored
"We're bad guys. It's what we do." Highest Rank: #7