Chapter 6 - You're cute

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Minsangs POV

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing at 6:30. I have school today. I swear the weekend goes past too fast. Come to think of it,  I spent basically the whole of my weekend with the neighbours. On Saturday I was with jimin and on Sunday,  after the coffee shop with the boys,  we all went back to their house and played a few games. Jimin, thanks the lord, went out to play football with a few guys he met at school so he wasn't home.

That reminds me, their sister bora reminded me that they were collecting her for school at 8:00 so be ready. It's 6:30 now which gives me just enough time to eat, shower and get ready.

I went downstairs to find an empty kitchen since jiyong and mom were still asleep. I couldn't even bothered for any cooking so I just put together some sugar puffs and ate it while I tried to remember if I had any homework because if I did, I certainly haven't done it.

When I got out of the shower and dried my hair, it was 7:15. I spent far too kuch time in thw shower. Oops.  I have half an hour to do my make up, hair and choose what I'm going to wear. No where near enough time. I rushed to my wardrobe and decided to go for a colourful concept today. My favourite concept because I love colour and hate black. I put on a
Knee length floral print dress and put my hair in curls. As you can see, although school started last week, I'm still in summer mode.

I finished up my makeup and looked at the time.


Shizzles, I'm late. I ran downstairs into the kitchen to tell my mom that I'm going. Just as I enter, I saw something I shouldn't have. A boy, I seem to recognise as jimin. Damn it, why does everything have to end up like this.

"Minsang darling, jimin here was knocking on the door to call for you and you weren't done yet so I invited him in."

I looked at jimin and he smiled at me and walked towards the door.

"We should go now Minsang. We'll be late for school. Bye and thanks Mrs Lee." He says as we walk out of the house.

Once we got out and started heading towards their car,  jimin stopped. I turned to look at him.

"Jimin, we are late why are you stopping." I asked.

"I saw you yesterday morning. You were going out of your driveway and when I called you,  you ran behind a car. Care to explain." He looked at me grinning. Dammit,  why did he have to remember. Time to cook up a good ass excuse.

"Oh,  you saw me. I just heard a voice call me and I turned around and couldn't see anyone. As a result, I thought it was a murderer because only a murderer would hide after calling me so I ran away and the safest way was to do it by car." I lied praying that he would believe me.

I looked at his face to see his reaction when he just laughed in my face and continued to the car. Why is he laughing, did I say something funny or weird? I followed him into the car and asked him.
"Did I say something funny. Why are you laughing." I asked confused. When we got into the car and sat at the back again, he replied.

"You're cute." He said while putting on his seat belt and smiling.

What's that supposed to mean. He's joking right. He's messing around. That's what he usually does. Yeah that's it, he was just messing around.

I quickly put my seat belt on while the car started. The first half of the car ride consisted of taehyung tapping seokjin's head who was infront of him and blaming it on yoongi who was next to him. I copied his idea and tapped taehyungs head and blamed it on jimin. He believed me. The second half consistently of jimin trying to persuade taehyung that it wasn't him because taehyung was threatening to cut jimins hair if he didn't stop tapping him. I was laughing the whole way until we arrived at school and bora unnie who was driving told us to get off before she kicked us off.

We all got off the car and I walked off to find Dasom. Out of nowhere jimin turned up and started begging me to tell taehyung the truth. I said ok just to keep him out of my hair and if dasom sees me talk to him then she's going to ask to meet him and she's going to obsess over him.

I find her next to the lockers. I waved at her and put my books in my locker and took out my laptop.

"Hi, We have a free lesson now right? Let's go to the library." She said.

"Yeah your right. Do we have any homework? I haven't done any." I said as we headed to the library.

"Yeah. We had to research about that book we read in English. I haven't done it yet either.

We got to the library and found a place to sit. We were working diligently. working diligently for me is talking and typing a word a minute. Suddenly, two boys shadowed over us. I looked up to find jimin and namjoom standing there.

"Hi guys, take a seat. don't you have a lesson right now?" I asked.

"No. We don't have lessons all morning and we have one lesson in the afternoon. What about you. What are you doing?" Namjoom replied.

"Oh same. We are just finishing off out homework for last lesson." I said.

"Can you introduce us to your friend here." Namjoom said while smiling at dasom.

Something just hit my head right now. I have an idea. Namjoon and dasom are totally compatible. They would be perfect together. Why didn't I think of it before.

"Oh yeah, sorry.  This is dasom. Dasom meet Namjoon and jimin." I exclaimed

"Nice to meet you dasom." Namjoon and jimin replied in sync.

"Hey,  I've got an idea. Since we don't have lessons all day, why don't we go out somewhere when you finish your homework." Jimin explained.

"Oh yeah. That's a great idea. We should do that." Dasom happily retorted. You could tell she's bored with school already.

"Ok then sorted. Meet us at the gates in half an hour when you finish your homework. I have to go and give something in to a teacher right now so see you then" Namjoon said while getting up and ready to leave.

"Ok, see you then." I say as Namjoon and jimin walk off as Namjoon smiled at dasom one more time.



A/N - okay I've got a long ass story as to why this chapter is out two days later than it was supposed to come out. Somehow, wattpad deleted this chapter when I had finished writing it so I had to start again so when I was ready to start writing it again,  I come onto wattpad to find it published but with half the ending missing. I'm so lost right now with wattpad. 

Anyways on a brighter note, who ships DASOM AND NAMJOON. I don't even know why I'm shipping them together. And I just noticed now that I have two sistar members in this book and I didn't even notice,  I just liked their names: dasom and bora. Which ship name do you like better though for dasom and Namjoon. DAJOON or NAMSOM. Comment down your ship name for them. Ok this authors note is like an essay I should stop now. Byee. Thanks for reading, vote and comment and tell your friends. Byee♥♥♥♥

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