Selling So Much More Than Clothes: Chapter Six

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"You were passed the fuck out last night, Lou." Harry mentioned, running his fingers through Louis' hair.

"Yeah I know. Sorry again." Louis replied, digging his face into Harry's chest.

One of the many things Louis loved so much about Harry was his gentle nature. He loved hugs and cuddling and sweaters and blankets, he was a genuinely sweet guy to everyone and it was near impossible to stay mad at him. (He's got that sad baby face and worried eyebrows look down better than anyone Louis has ever met.) Cuddling with him was one of Louis' favorite things to do; Harry was warm and soft and smelled like the coffee and cupcakes from the bakery. He was always up for cuddling, no matter what day month or season.

"What do you mean again?" Louis twiddled his fingers, thinking of how to answer Harry's question.

"Well I apologized like a thousand times last night, so I'm saying it again today." Harry's hands stilled in the small boy's hair.


"Yeah. I told you I'd remember." Louis got nervous, hoping to God that this conversation would go smoothly.

"So then you know that you kissed me. You're aware of that, right?" Louis nodded.

The room became silent, except for the sound of the vacuum Liam was using downstairs. Louis shifted on Harry's chest, turning his face up toward the younger boy.

"I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of you, you know? Like, if you woke up this morning and only remembered half of what happened, that'd make me look terrible." At least he was honest about it, unlike some other guys who didn't give a shit if he was drunk or stoned or sober, they would fuck him and chuck him nonetheless.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry." Harry tilted Louis' face up to his.

"Stop apologizing for everything. It's not that I mind you kissing me, but you were drunk and I wasn't and that wouldn't be right, you know?" Louis thought his heart stopped.

"Wait wait wait, you...huh?" Harry helped Louis off his chest and sat up on the bed.

"C'mon, I still have to give you your present." With that, he got up and grabbed Louis' hand, leading the way.

When they got downstairs, Harry went and got the huge box off the table. He led Louis into the freshly cleaned den and sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to him.

"It's kind of a birthday present/Christmas present I guess, since they're right after the other." Louis tore the paper off the box and opened it.

Inside was a bottle of his favorite vodka, a box of coffee, the sweater of Harry's he always borrowed, a box of chocolates from the bakery, a CD, a pile of Disney movies and scary movies, and a card on the very top.

"Well what's this beautifully random mess of stuff?" Louis beamed over at him.

"The card explains, open it."

Hi Lou :-)

So this box is full of some of your favorite things, from alcohol to chocolate to Disney movies. But I don't want you to hurt yourself, so please drink and eat these with precaution! Safety first :-) Over the past few months, you've grown to be one of my favorite things. Even though I got a concussion, I wouldn't go back and change it for the world. Because when I hit that window, I met you. I really love you and it was like fate's way of hitting me head on with pure love when I ran into your window that day. I hope you feel the same about me, because if not...well that'd be awkward.

Love, Hazberry ♥

Louis looked up at Harry, his heart fallen into his gut and his hands shaking.

"I know it's just a box of shit and a card, but I was honest, I really do love you. So will you please finally be my boyfriend?" Louis nonchalantly pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming; he wasn't.

"Oh my God, Harry. Yes!" He sat the box down on the couch next to him and jumped onto Harry's lap, hugging him properly.

"Now let me properly kiss you." Harry brushed Louis' hair out of his eyes and leaned forward, connecting their lips.

"I knew it, I knew it! Liam, you owe me $20! I told you Harry would do it first!" Niall yelled from the kitchen. Louis started to laugh and Harry grinned, pulling their lips apart and resting their foreheads together.

"See, that was better than some drunken makeout sesh, right?" Louis smiled and pecked him on the lips again.

They spent the rest of their day watching the moves from the box, even the scary ones that Harry hates so much. Louis held him during the really scary parts and held his hand during the rest. The other boys laughed at them for being so touchy feely, but they couldn't care less.

Louis felt like he was in a dream; floating on cloud nine, drowning in wonderful thoughts of HarryHarryHarry. What he'd been wishing for for so long had finally happened and he couldn't be happier.

So maybe he didn't hate his job so much and maybe he should thank the other boys for totaling his car. Maybe he didn't think the bakery was un-matching and poorly lit. And maybe he did actually like his job. Besides, it's not every day you find love in a thrift shop.

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