Part 14

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Sam listened to the quiet footsteps across the landing before hearing her bedroom door click closed almost silently. He watched Grace toss and turn before she coughed causing Sam to kneel down on the floor beside her.

He placed a gentle hand to her forehead before running it back through her hair. "Mummy?" "No, 'fraid it's Sam sweetheart... You okay?" Grace blinked a few times, squinting her eyes at Sam as she rolled on her side to look at him. She nodded gently before yawning causing Sam to laugh. "You're like your mother you are... Do you need anything?"

Grace shook her head before Sam settled down on the floor properly. "Is Mummy asleep?" "Yes, did you want me to get her?" "It's okay... Could we watch a movie Sam?" He glanced at the time seeing it realising how late it was getting. However she'd been sleeping most of the afternoon he assumed and figured she'd drift off again anyway. "I don't see why not... What are we feeling tonight?"

Sam watched her get off the sofa walking towards the TV opening a draw beneath the unit. "Can we watch the Little Mermaid?" "Of course we can, here let me put it on." Grace handed him the DVD before diving back to the sofa getting comfortable beneath her blanket. When he turned around he couldn't help but laugh seeing her back in the same position she was earlier.

"You hungry at all Grace?" "No thank you." Sam took a seat on the couch with his arm resting across the top of the cushions. Both content, the film began and the songs surely followed. Grace hummed along leaving Sam to steal glances at her, smiling at her. She had to be one of the most adorable children he'd seen.

He couldn't get enough of the little brown ringlets surrounding her face that had fallen from the bun she had earlier. Her eyes were a gorgeous mix of blue and hazel, a strange combination but beautiful nonetheless. There was no denying that she was a miniature Connie, but something else stood out about her. Something familiar that he couldn't place.

Sam smiled as her laughter radiated around the room. It seemed to make everything seem brighter, a stupid thought but it made him smile. Grace slowly flicked her eyes to Sam noticing him watching her before turning back to the TV.

When Grace was sure Sam was no longer watching her, she gradually sat herself up properly. Remaining upright for a little while, the film continued before Grace slowly leant into Sam's side. He let his eyes fall down to her as she cautiously rest her head to his side. With a smile he dropped his arm to her back reassuring her before she cuddled into his side properly.

Despite having only a few interactions with the young girl, he felt as though he'd known her for years. There was something there, an immediate connection that he had built up with her in those few meetings. Grace was clearly comfortable with him and didn't hesitate at showing it.

By the end of the film Grace's head was on Sam's stomach as he had shifted slightly to lift his legs onto the sofa. One of Grace's arms was around his abdomen while she sucked the thumb of her other hand. He continued running a hand through her hair as she took slow breathes in her sleep.

With the titles rolling he turned the television off with the remote, placing it back on the coffee table beside him. Debating whether or not to move her, he gently scooped her up into his arms causing her to shift. Grace moved an arm around Sam's neck, continuing to suck her thumb while clutching her blanket. He carried her up the stairs not really sure of where he was going.

Luckily for him it was obvious which room was his as he noticed a glittery name on the first door. He nudged it open carefully before crossing the room, placing Grace down into bed. She sighed cuddling into her pillow while Sam sat on the edge of the bed watching her. "Night night Grace, sleep tight." He placed a kiss to the top of her head, the corners of her lips up turning before he tucked her in and left.

Continuing along the hallway he came to another door opening it carefully. He smiled seeing Connie fast asleep in bed, wandering a little further in. "Connie?" He spoke in hushed whispers not really wanting to wake her. When she didn't even flinch he spoke again. "Con..." "Mmm... Sam?"

She frowned slowly opening her eyes as he laughed. "You laughing at me?" "Yes Beauchamp, precisely that. Grace is in bed, she's perfectly fine so I think I'll head off." Connie sat herself up, the white sheets falling down her chest slightly to reveal the lace black night dress. Sam glanced once before moving his eyes back to hers. He leant closer kissing her gently, but Connie refused to break away that quickly.

A hand moved to the small of her back feeling the warmth of her skin through the material. Connie placed a hand to his neck as she deepened the kiss, relishing the feel of his lips on hers. When she did part from his lips she was breathless. "Stay." Sam looked to her face for some recognition of reluctance but found nothing. "I don't have anything with me-" "I don't care if you don't."

He smirked shaking his head looking down at the bed. "But to be clear, we're just sleeping together not actually sleeping together..." He chuckled moving his hand to her cheek with a nod. "Alright, I'd assumed that anyway but thanks for clarifying." Connie laughed a little before he stood up. "Mind if I use your bathroom?" "Go for it..."

She leant back against the headboard while Sam disappeared into the bathroom. When he came out he was dressed in just his trousers, his shirt hanging over his arm. Connie let her eyes fall to his chest, she didn't remember him ever looking that good. She allowed herself a moment to observe his features, especially as he slipped out of his trousers and into the bed beside her.

Connie held her breath for a second as the warmth from his body hit her and the prospect of having someone in bed beside her became real. Sam smirked copying her stance glancing to her. "Everything okay?" "Mhm... Why wouldn't it be?" He shrugged simply before dropping down to the bed, laying with a hand tucked beneath his head.

Rolling her eyes to herself she lay back down on her side so that she face him. "Sooo..." Sam laughed lifting a hand to her cheek. "Sleep." She smirked as he moved forwards kissing her forehead before laying down. Connie shuffled towards him laying her head to his chest, while his arm fell around her gently brushing up and down her forearm.

Falling asleep like that was far easier for both of them than they had assumed it would be. Neither struggled to sleep, and found it was the quickest they'd drifted off in months. Connie could get used to this. Maybe, just maybe it was right to try with whatever this was.

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