Chapter 2

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Greg was nearly asleep on the sofa next to Philip, and Mycroft sighed contently. His husband deserved a rest, really. He checked the time, and thought it best to go and sort Jimmy out now. He strolled over to Jim on the stool in the corner.

"Punishment's over, Jimmy. What do you say?" he asked.

"Sorry for lying, Pa," he mumbled.

"Hmm, who else have you got to apologise to, Jim?" he raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"Umm... Sherlock?" Jim asked. Mycroft replied with a nod and allowed Jim to jump off the stool to go and apologise to his brother.

Sherly was only standing by the door, watching. John was busy doing his homework, and he had no one to play with, so he had resulted to following his Pa around the house.

Jim walked up to Sherlock and mumbled a quiet, "Sorry," and then began to make his way back upstairs to his room.

"Ah-ah! Jim come back and say it like you mean it," Mycroft said firmly.

Reluctantly, he turned back to Sherlock and said sorry properly, before glancing at his Pa to check if that was better. Mycroft nodded, hiding a smirk. Jim ran upstairs to his room.

Sherlock smiled at his Pa and grabbed his hand, his bee plush toy in the other.

"Do you wanna help me wake up Molly, Sherly?" he asked. Sherlock paused, then nodded up at his Pa.

They both made their way up the stairs, a bit awkwardly, as Sherly refused to let his Pa's hand go. When they finally arrived to Molly's room, she was sound asleep in her bed.

"Molly has to get up now!" Sherly called, causing Molly to stir from her sleep with a frown.

"Molly up now!" he grinned, beaming up at his Pa who patted his head softly.

Mycroft moved over to Molly and gently lifted her up, rubbing her back.

"Hey, Molly! It's time to wake up now, isn't it?" he smiled at her.

"Up! Up! Up!" Sherlock shouted, looking up at Molly who was now frowning at him.

"Shh, Sherly. You have to be quiet," he said. Sherlock nodded and watched his Pa wake Molly up.

When Molly was finally awake properly, Mycroft set her down on the floor.

"Off you go poppet," Mycroft smiled.

"Locky make noise now?" Sherlock whispered.

Mycroft chuckled and replied with, "Yes, Locky can make noise now."

Sherlock grinned and shouted, "Nee naw nee naw!" with his arms out like an aeroplane.

Mycroft shook his head and rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself.

"Sherlock, do you wanna go play with Johnny while I go and make us some dinner?" Mycroft asked.

"John busy," he pouted and frowned.

"Ah, how come, Sherly?" he asked. Sherlock replied with a shrug.

"Use your words, Sherlock," he smiled. Sherlock had a tendency to use actions instead of words.

"John gots big boy things to do," Sherlock said, pouting while clutching his bee plush to his chest. It's okay, his bee will be his friend while John's busy!

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