snapchat & food trucks

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when I got home, the smile was still resting on my face, as Blink 182's "San Diego" played on the speakers. Phoenix sat at the bar, doing his homework. I walked to my room at the end of the hall and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and responded to a few snapchats, and then double tapped Calum's name. I held down on my face, and then swiped to the dog filter, the one that made literally everyone look good. I snapped a photo of myself and added the caption "Hey, wanna do something tonight?" I was eager to see him again, excited to start over. I tried not to think about what I'd walked in on just a few short nights ago. I sighed, trying to erase the memory. I sent the snapchat, then looked at people's stories until Calum's name appeared on the top of the screen. it was a picture of him, also with the dog filter. the caption said "Sorry, can't tonight :( <3." I really wanted to know why not, but I didn't want to be annoying, so i continued watch people's stories.

i got a notification a few minutes later, saying someone had added me as a friend. i clicked on it to see Monica added me. i added her back, and about a minute later, she sent me a message. i was scared to open it, but i did it anyway. it said "Hey Alannis! some of my friends and i are going to the food trucks tonight, and i wanted to know if you would like to join us :)" i was kind of surprised. i just met the girl today, but seeing as i had nothing else to do, i responded saying "Okay, thanks," and headed into the kitchen to tell Raquel.

two hours later, i walked out of my front door in a purple romper and sandals. Monica's red convertible was parked in my driveway with the hood down. i smiled and sat in the passenger seat.

"Hey thanks for inviting me," i said.

"Of course. we go every Monday and it's a really fun place to hang out and talk. oh, yeah, this is Stephanie, Kyndall, and Camille," Monica told me, gesturing to the three girls crammed in the back seat. i recognized them from school and said hello. Monica pulled out of the driveway. Of course, "Closer" by the Chainsmokers came on the radio, and we all sang along.

minutes later we arrived at a nearby park. it was slammed with people and food trucks were scattered all over the place. we got out of the car and i walked up to a food truck that seemed to be selling hot dogs. i placed my order and when i got my food, i walked over to wear i saw Monica and her friends sitting on a blanket in the grass, eating food and chatting. i took my seat and joined the conversation, quickly finding out that Stephanie, Kyndall, and Camille lived very interesting lives and had much to talk about. once everyone was quiet, Monica stroke up a conversation about  Calum.

"So i met Alannis in a kind of funny way. Remember that guy Calum i told y'all about?" Monica asked

"The D-Bag?" Camille laughed.

"That's the one," Monica said.

"Alannis, he literally made out with Monica and talked to her for like the whole night, and then, a girl walked in on them, and had a friggin' panic attack. turns out that that was his girlfriend. he had a girlfriend while he made out with Monica. Ugh, who does that?" Stephanie told me, not knowing that i was the girlfriend. i cringed and looked at Monica who was covering her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh.

"I was the girlfriend," i told them awkwardly. they looked at me, then each other and started laughing.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, i had no idea," Stephanie laughed. i was laughing too.

"I hate him," Monica said laughing. i stopped laughing and figured now would be a good time to tell her that i was giving him another chance.

"Well, actually i may have sorta... givenhimanotherchance," i said really quickly, and they stopped laughing.

"Oh. Well i hope it works out for you guys," Monica said smiling. i nodded and quickly changed the subject. we talked for another 10 minutes, and then Monica and i got up to use the restroom. my jaw almost fell to the floor when i saw Calum standing in front of the girls restroom.

"Calum?" i called, jogging up to him. he looked frightened almost, and said "Oh hi Ala-" he paused when his eyes fell upon Monica.

"Monica?" he asked.

"Hi Calum," she said dully, and then looked at me, telling me to hurry up with the look on her face.

"We're friends now," i told him. he nodded

"What are you doing here?" i asked him.

"Me and uh- my mom are here," he said, looking around. "I promised her I'd take her today."

"Alright, cool. well i guess i'll see you tomorrow at school," i told him, smiling and then i walked into the restroom. after that, Monica, Steph, Kyndall, Camille, and i took a few pictures and then left. when we arrived at my house, i thanked Monica and walked into my house for the second time today, with a huge smile on my face.

second chances ~ m.g.cHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin