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Once we get to the hospital Dan asks for Sierras room number

Once we get to her room we see Phil and Sierra each holding one baby

"Hey guys" Phil says as we walk into the room

"Hi" I say

"Do you want to hold a baby?" Sierra asks

"Omigosh can I" I squeal

"Yeah come here" Sierra says

I walk over to her and she hand me the baby then I asks "so who am I holding?"

"You are holding Ellie" she says

"She so cute" I gush

Dan comes over to me and looks at Ellie then says "I want to hold a baby too"

"You can" Phil says

Dan walks over to Phil and asks "what is this baby's name?"

"This baby's name is Cole" Phil says to Dan

*time skip*
Dan's POV
Liz and I get in the uber

About 5 minutes into the ride the driver swerves and we both look up

Then I look out Liz's window and see a car coming really fast on her side

But before I can say anything it's to late and the car crashes

Liz's POV
A car crashes into my side I hit my head and everything turns black

Dan's POV
we get rushed to the hospital I only have a few scratches and bruises but Liv is out cold

As I look at her and feel tears run down my face

Alissa's POV
my phones starts ringing and I answer it "Hello?"

"Hello is this Alissa sugg"

"Yes and may I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"This is the St. Mary's Hospital"

"Okay why are you calling me?"

"Your friend Lizbeth Howell has been involved in a car crash and her husband told me to call you"

"Oh my god I'll be right there" I say then hang up

"What happened?" Joe asks

"Liz was in a car crash we need to go now!" I say

"Oh my god" Joe says

"Yeah let's go now" I say

Once we get to the hospital I get her room number we run up and down the corridors trying to find her room

Once we actually find it I knock on the door

Dan answers it his eyes bloodshot and puffy with a tear stained face

Once he sees me he pulls me in for a hug then let's us in

I walk in and see Liz laying on the bed pale with a bunch of cuts and bruises her left leg is elevated and in a cast then her right arm is in a cast as well

I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes I turn around and hug Joe

After we are done hugging I look at Dan and ask "what's wrong with her?"

"She's in a coma her right arm is broken in one place and her right leg is broken in three places and she had some internal bleeding" he says

"What about the baby is it okay?" I ask

Tears start to run down his face and I kinda figure out "oh my god Dan I'm so sorry"

We all sit down and talk for a bit then doctor comes in and says "I'm sorry to say this but if she doesn't wake up in two weeks we'll have to take her off of life support"

"Is there anything you can do?" Dan asks

"Well tomorrow she's going through two surgeries then the next she'll have one more she has a 75% chance of living through the surgeries but she has a 50% chance of actually living" the doctor says then leaves

After he leaves I turn to Dan and Joe and ask "can I talk to her alone?"

"Of course" Dan says

"We'll be out here" Joe says

After they leave I pull a chair up beside the bed and sit down then I take her hand and say "Liz we've been best friends since we were two so that makes it 21 years now and I can't tell you how depressed I will be if you die. Listen to me I love you so so much and I can't believe I'm saying this but if you do die I will probably try to take my own life. You have to fight for Dan, for me, for Sierra and for everyone else that's close to you"

Liz's POV
I hear Alissa talking I want to wake up and talk back but I can't I try so hard but I can't I just want to wrap my hand around hers and hug her but I can't even though I'm trying

Ooh cliff hanger...what's gonna happen next?

You'll just have to wait till next time

P.S. Sorry this chapter was so short and kinda sad

Dreams 2(Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire fanfic)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now