Le thé et le désir

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"Out of all the people she could have stuck me with, I should have figured I'd get you. She always has been useless." Standing at the doorway was no other than the blonde he saw less than an hour ago at the library. Alois strolled through the door and instantly went over to the dresser right next to his bed. Ciel silently watched as the other boy rummaged around for a few minutes before talking again.

"Lucky for you, I have plans tonight. It would be in your best interest to stay the hell out of my things because trust me, I'll know if you do." The blonde murmured as he reached for a black bag residing on top of the dark mahogany dresser. Seeming satisfied with the clothes he had pulled out, the boy zipped them up into the bag before tossing it over his shoulder. Just as quick as he had arrived, the door slammed shut again. The quiet yet still tense atmosphere lingered thickly in the air as Ciel stood silently in the same spot he had been when Alois opened the door.

A soft groan fell from his lips as he sat down on the bed. Ciel couldn't even believe how awful his luck was this time. Over one hundred students boarded in just this dormitory alone and yet he still somehow managed to get stuck with the one boy he couldn't stand. Leaning back, he sighed out deeply and stared up at the ceiling. Luminescent paint must have been covered on some of the ceiling as Ciel could just make out a few shapes in a bright yellow as the room started getting darker. 'Another constellation design...?... I suppose it is pretty...' He thought as he glanced up at the clock. It was closer to eight by now but didn't Elizabeth mention students weren't allowed to leave their dorms past eight? A sudden blushed burned its way across his cheeks as he remembered Professor Faustus mentioning earlier in the library he couldn't leave until seven. Had his new roommate really gone out with him for the night?

Pushing the thought violently out of his mind, Ciel tried to occupy himself by unpacking the rest of his belongings. As much as he despised it, it looked like this was his home for now. He changed into his pajamas and washed his face before crawling into bed. With the lights shut off, he started to drift into slumber. The constellations painted onto the ceiling became more evident in the otherwise pitch black room, almost resembling actual stars as sleep finally won over him and slowly dragging him into the diverse world of dreams.


The gentle rays of morning sunlight slowly seeped into the dark room through the opened black curtains. Though it was faint, the slightest chirping of morning birds could be heard in the quiet bedroom. The warm rays started stirring the boy from his slumber as his sky blue eyes finally fluttered opened. With a groggy yawn he rolled over on his side. The king sized bed was empty with the exception of himself and covered in a crisp white sheet. Eventually sitting up and moving the black comforter off him, the boy pushed platinum colored strands out his eyes. The room around him was impeccably neat with not even a hair out of place. Though it wasn't his first time staying in this room, he really didn't think he could ever get sick of it. He slowly inhaled the scent of the cologne lingering on the man's dress shirt he slept in as he stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

His professor stood by the kitchen island pouring a cup of coffee with one hand and glancing through a newspaper with the other. His jet black hair held the slightest sheen to it from a recent shower. An amused smile graced Alois' face. It was always nice seeing this man so casual for once.

"Looks like you're up already as usual." The blonde said as he sat down at one of the stools on the other side of the island.

Without a single glance from the newspaper, Claude grabbed a piping kettle from the stove top. "Good morning. England breakfast tea as usual?" He poured the almost boiling liquid into a porcelain tea cup after a nod from the boy. Alois silently watched as he fixed the cup with cream and sugar.

He had only started at the academy at the beginning of the school year. The professor in front of him had instantly struck him the moment they met on his first day. That distant, cold shoulder excited him like no one else. It was like throwing a single match into a vault of gasoline and watching the explosion. Though it took over two months of teasing and coaxing, Alois finally convinced him to take him out. After two more months of being together like this, he wouldn't exactly call him his 'boyfriend' but it really did feel that way. It irritated the boy having to keep the whole thing very hush-hush, but he knew the trouble the two of them would be in if they were caught.

"Did they put that girl's death into the paper?" He asked as he slowly took a sip of the hot tea, the drink always perfect to his tastes every time he made it.

"Doesn't seem so, but I'm not surprised. I'm sure they're going to keep it quiet." The man responded, turning the page of the newspaper. "Would you still like to go to town this afternoon?"

The smile returned to his pale face as he set down the half empty cup. During Winter break, staying in his house turned into a nice daily routine. With Claude's house half an hour from the school, and the closest town fifteen minutes from his house, the town had become a regular spot to go out to without worrying of being seen by schoolmates or other faculty members. Though break was over, the day given off for the sudden tragedy gave him the opportunity of staying over again.

"That'll work." He responded, trying to stifle his happiness as he traced over the butterfly pictured on his tea cup.

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