Ryuk and The apple of his eyes

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Ryuk and the apple of his eye

Shinigami realm is boring. Everything that happens is the same. I am happy that I have given light the death note now I have something amazing to look forward to. What could be more amazing thing than watching a genius, egoistic sadistic narcissist like Light trying to become god? Oh I know! Apples!

“Hey, Light can you buy me an apple?” I asked Light.

“I told you not to talk to me outside. People might mistake me as a lunatic” he said quietly while walking straight ahead, not even bothering to look at me.

“But Light you will complain on why I didn’t bother to ask you while you’re still out again.” I reasoned with him.

He sighed and gave in. he walked toward the market. I look at the busy humans doing their own business. I can only see these kind of things in this world. We shinigamis practically live forever so we don’t need work or anything that the humans work for so those in our world are very lazy. It has been like that for a long time that we already have forgotten why we existed at all other than shortening the human lifespan. I guess the purpose of human life is to make our life meaningful so we can have a purpose.

“Light-kun” a bubbly voice called out to Light in the crowd. It is not a high pitch that hurt your ear it is most likely to resemble those that belongs to bells.

Light stopped and looked around to search for the unknown caller of his name. I looked around and say a fruit vendor waving in our direction. She has the same features as Light other than her bright red eyes. I can’t tell whether the girl is older than him. I can tell by the numbers floating above her head that she will die older than Light so I guess it doesn’t really much matter. She also carries the last name Yagami. She must be a relative or something. Shii… hmm... interesting first name.

“Light over there look!” I pointed at him.

He turns to her direction and walked pass the other people. He stopped in front of her stand. I can actually see a genuine smile from him. I looked at the girl. She is very attractive for a human.

“Shii- Chan, it has been years since I last saw you. How long have you been here in Japan? What are you doing here?” Light asked.

“I just arrived a week ago. I was planning to visit you and uncle this Saturday.” She replied giving him a closed eyes smile. “work on this fruit stand as a part time job around lunch until the owner arrives. I pretty much enjoy working here and meeting different people. People always seem lively and busy around here.”

“I see. So how was England?” Light asked.

“Light, don’t forget my apples.” I told him.

“hmm. Strange weather compared here but it is less busy.” Shii answered Light.

“Light I love apples so don’t forget it. look Shii sells apples so why don’t you buy from her.” I told him.

“Light-kun. Why don’t you tell aunt that I will be visiting tomorrow? I found out how to create this delicious strawberry cake” Shii said happily.

Ryuk and The apple of his eyesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora