Chapter 1.

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I was on the city bus and I had noticed a man. He was in a suit with his hair combed. He looked very fancy and I figured he was just doing that for his job. Then I noticed he had something red in his hand. He was sitting behind me so I didn't stare for to long. I looked back a few minutes later and realized he had been staring at me. I looked forward quickly. I felt shivers down my back. The bus had stopped at my stop. I grabbed all my groceries and ran out quickly.  A started to speed walk down the sidewalk walk after I realized he was following me. I walked a little faster and he did too. I had to cross the street now. It was dark and not many cars around. As I looked to see if any cars were coming, he had made it to me. He tapped my shoulder and I turned to him quickly.  He held a bag in his hand. "You dropped this in the bus" he said. I sighed with relief. "Thank you" and I grabbed it out of his hand. Then he grabbed a small rose from his pocket. That must've been the red thing I saw him holding in the bus. "You can have this too ma'am. It was for my wife but on the bus she texted me and said we were getting divorced. She always hit me because I would argue. Anyways, maybe we could talk sometime. I'm Jason by the way" he said. "I'm Lucy, and I'm very sorry about that, I'd like to chat sometime but I can't right now. I have to get home to my dog. He hasn't been fed since this morning. Bye Jason" I speed walked across the road as he stood there staring at my on the other side. I heard him mumble quietly as I left, "goodbye.." It wasn't what u think. He sounded creepy..not happy...he sounded evil..not nice..

(Well that's the first chapter, hope u guys liked it! Again, my first book so tell me if u want me to write more!)

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