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A/N: Long time, huh? Well, the sequel for Island of Felidae is finally here! I hope you guys enjoy my improved writing, and if you do please vote and/or comment!

A gray-and-white she-cat crept out into the open, glancing around at the rubble of Felidae. She had died in the dreadful tornado that wrecked it in the first place, but she still stayed by Aquapaw's side. However, she couldn't stay there forever, because she was called back to fix her home while her Clanmates sought out shelter.

"Why did that new cat suggest going to the Realm of Shadows?" One of the she-cat's kits padded up, sniffing in disdain. "They'll never survive there!"

The spotted mother touched her nose to the kit's head. "Hush, Jaykit. Have some faith in your Clanmates."

"One of those Realm mange-pelts didn't save me!" A white she-kit with blue eyes stomped towards them. "I got killed because of him, Ivyblaze!"

Ivyblaze sighed and wrapped her tail around her kits. "StarClan can only watch now, little ones. Now, why don't you help Frostface fix the camp?"

"Yes!" yowled Jaykit, and pelted off towards the camp.

"Wait for me!" his sister, Skykit, exclaimed before running after him.

Ivyblaze gazed around at the forest. Trees were toppled over, the ground was rutted, and no prey sounds anywhere. No one could survive here anymore, but her heart still sank at the knowledge that the cats had to abandon Felidae. This once lush, cozy, and warm world was the only purely safe place in the entire world. No Twolegs, no intruders, no predators... Why did it have to come to this?

"It's unfortunate that Felidae has been ruined like this," a voice commented behind her. Ivyblaze whirled around to see her sister, Graycloud. Her sibling's amber eyes stared right through her, in another place. "We thought we were safe, we thought we were protected. All of those lies have been thrown right in our faces, and made us know our living kin and Clanmates will be slaughtered."

Ivyblaze's fur spiked up, and all she could hear was her heartbeat pounding in her ears. "W-what are you saying, Graycloud?" she stuttered.

The she-cat's eyes flashed, and she hissed at her. "What part of our living kin and Clanmates will be slaughtered do you not understand, Ivyblaze?"

"Why do you not trust them?" she snapped. "I know they'll live in the Realm of Shadows without dying. I trust them!"

Graycloud purred, but her tail started flicking. "Then you do not know them at all." She began to pad away, and called over her shoulder, "The evil is back, and no one will survive this time."

"Let's keep our focus on rebuilding Felidae," Ivyblaze growled, padding away. "Or do you want to stand there all day and gossip?"

"If you say so, my sister," Graycloud meowed, and followed her through the ruins.

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