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Sky was purple? My mind struggles to comprehend what just happened?

To me the fleeting glimpse of strange shadows weaving in and out. clouds in my mind where did they come from?

Strange melodic music clings to my primal background my instincts say this is not possible.
Transported back to a different time I am now a women but from where?

How did I get here what is my purpose?
my mind feels disconnected from my body, as if I am floating above myself.

I have met a race of beings they are similar to our Old Stone Age culture, but so much more advanced.
they tell me I have been picked to heal the rift of time.

Many times through my trials of life I have felt distant as if floating inside a wall of jelly, touched but not scarred, hurt, but not enough to bleed.
is my gift that has been given to me in my limited time here.

My purpose is to interact with the modern world but carry the knowledge of a time eternal.

This is a lot to take in when you are a child every day imagining that you can hide,
but always found to take more punishment.

In my deepest despair I met these beings they came to me as I sat outside my school room being punished not being able to go to the toilet.

Of course you don't have to be Einstein to realise I had an accident,

and was made to sit outside like an unwanted dog.

As I sat wrapped in my own humiliation I heard the tinkling of a serene beautiful music comforting but so different,

Like the singing of the whales only seemed to be noticed by me.

As I turned to look the most beautiful being I had seen approached me I could not give you a gender,

As there was so much love and warmth coming from the being that gender would just be an inconvenience the flowing robes were forever changing colour.

The golden leonine eyes made me feel ten feet tall time stood still.

I stood up and floated in the ancient arms and the glow of compassion.

To my new home as the wind picked me up and my mind was filled with this unearthly music.

We arrived at a place such as I had never seen before ancient art and stone age tools lined the walls.

But there I see wait a spaceship what is this place?

I ask the voice says this is your sanctuary you can make it whatever you would like it to be, this is your sanity saver, your past your future.

And into the new generation we have picked you to explain our presence.

As in most encounters time did not matter in this place I was shown my spiritual birth.

And even though I was only a child this was something I had no knowledge off.

I had apparently lived through many lifetimes to become this version of myself as I thought to myself what is the purpose of this?

As I stood there and my inner vision became clearer there were so many buildings made of crystal.

But when I first walked on this new plane all I saw was mist.

Beginning to realise you have to look within yourself to see became the message.

Beyond the normal earthly coil my host stood before me the features were becoming clear the golden glowing eyes, the robes,

Were made of water that was constantly changing here in front of me was Mother nature herself!

I was only a small child with the knowledge of the world I asked why did I get picked why me.

I eat my veggies and try to behave!

She just laughed like so many timbered bells and said this is why you are a child you can grow and become a new and different type of person,

one who can connect the ancient world and the new world.

This is my task for you as she said this she lifted her voice into the songs off all the birds in the world.

The mist departed and in its place the crystal world I had stumbled into.

Became clear the people ancient but timeless came out of their homes to greet me like the long lost daughter I had always wanted to be.

My many lifetimes ran before me in the blink of an eye.

here I was in my child incarnation I saw myself side by side as the child and the adult looked at each other for the first time.

The adult held out her hand and said come to me littlest sister together we will change the world.

Mother Nature had achieved the impossible,

I had a glimpse into the future I was meant to speak with the people and sing with the whales this was to be my destiny.

My adult self said time to meet the babies,

There I found myself on a rose coloured road in the distance was the outline of a tall tree the distance looked impossible to walk near the horizon

I started what I believed would be my first step into an impassable distance my tears started flowing; as I realized this was not going to happen the task was impossible! I heard the voice say no littlest sister your soul will make it plausible my tears were building an amethyst road to my future the past was new the future was tangible and I started to realise the battles we have every day were just a step along a path not yet travelled

Mother Nature fights this battle

Eternally for the first time in my small life I saw the melding of my small self and the big sister realization dawned as the rainbow of love shattered my soul hurt and battered I had to fight no more the mist broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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