Hetalia DenmarkxReader Nothing

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"You guys i think i am better off dead with out her, i might as will quit every thing i do." Mathias Kohler  said to his friend Emil, Lukas, & Berwald. "No you are better off now then you were ever with her Mathias." Lukas said this to him as the three of them take Mathias the there local bar.

~(Mathias P.O.V)~

Im Smiling but im dying trying not to drag my feet thinking of her just braking my heart and leaving me with out a word said. 
"Mathias here have this." i came to my senses and saw i was all ready sitting at the bar and Berwald was sliding a cup of beer towards me "A few drinks will help you to forget her." i took the cup and chuged it down slaming the cup down on the bar top. 
But after one to many drinks i know that i will never for get her she is my life still i love her, and i will for ever they do not understand that i miss (Name) so much.
I looked over at Lukas, he was looking at he as if he new where this was going to end, "Mathias your crazy, your better off with out her." Emil looked at me from beside Lukas setting down his still first glass of beer. "I-It makes perfect sense t-to *Hik* me" i got up and started for the door stamering "i-i need to see her and tell her *hik* and Confess~ to her" i got out the door and started to shout her name all over the town "(Name)!!!! (NNNAAMEEEE)!! *HIK* (NAME)!. If i can get~ to her now i swear i can change her~ mind!" as i said to them three as they tryed to calm me down "i know im drunk but i can say the words! i will say them over and over again if i have to!, a-and~ she will lisson t-this time~ even though i-i~ know my words are slurred" i stumbled and took out my phone and did my best to dialed (Name's) number and confessed to her "(Name)! I-I still~ love you, p-please tell~ me why you left~" i waited and waited and all i herd was nothing.

So i closed my ohone and shoved it back in to my pocket and started to stumble to (Name's) house, holding on to railings and fences. "I-I know is we're Face~ to~ Face~ then she w-will come to her S-Senses!~" i said and Berwald trys to bring me back to the bar but i fight agenst him. "your drunk! stop while your at it Mathias." he said to me "no! i need to get to her and tell her! if she sees how m-much i am~ hurting~! she will t-take m-me back f-for sure~!" 

I got to (Name's) house and stumbled and knocked and she opend up and she had red puffy eyes and tear stains on her beautiful cheeks. "I am b-better of dead and a quitter~ with out you. E-Everyone has been~ s-saying i am b-better of with out you...i miss you...i love you" i waited all she did was stand there and she opened her arma and wraped them around me and said nothing...

Hetalia DenmarkxReader NothingWhere stories live. Discover now