Chapter 1

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Being the presidents daughter is hard. I couldn't do anything without an escort. It annoyed me to no end.
"Miss breakfast is ready." Terri, one of the maids said. I slowly nodded and got up. I walked downstairs and sat at the table. Annabelle, my little sister stuck her tongue out at me. I flicked her on her forehead and looked down at my lap, silently saying my grace. When I finished saying grace my mom came down.
"Good morning you two!" She kissed my forehead then my sisters. She sat down and cleared her throat.
"Minna after breakfast I want to talk to you." She gave me a serious look. I froze. Did she find out I snuck out last night? I nodded.
"Okay mom..." I mumbled and started eating my breakfast. I looked at Annabelle who was stuffing her face like a pig. I cringed and lost my appetite. I sighed and gave the rest of my food to her and stood up. My mom was already finished since she only had some toast and two pieces of bacon. We walked to the living room and sat down.
"Minna do you want to go to high school?" She asked. I blinked in surprise. High school? Instead of home school? I nodded.
"Yes!" I yelled happily and hugged her tightly. She laughed and hugged me back.
"Alright but there's one condition." She pulled away and stared at me.
"Your gonna need a body guard." My smile faded into a frown. A body guard? For what?
"Why? You don't trust me by myself?" I asked. She sighed and rubbed her temples.
"It's a take or leave Minna..." She said. I sighed.
"Fine..." I groaned. She smiled.
"Great! You'll meet him tonight!" She exclaimed. I nodded.
"Thanks mom..." She patted my head.
"No problem sweet pea now make sure you have a nice outfit out and ready for tonight kay?" She shooed me upstairs. I walked into my room and opened my closet door. I looked through my clothes before finding the one I wanted to where. A black sweater and a navy blue pair of jeans. I laid it on my bed and went to the bathroom. I slowly took off my clothes and turned on the shower. I stepped in and sighed softly as I felt my muscles relax. I really needed this.
~Time skip brought to you by the one and only Itachi-sama :3~
I looked at the clock for the 800th time today.
'7:28 they should be here by now...' I thought.
"MINNA COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Mom yelled. I got up. They must be here. I made my way downstairs slowly. I looked around. There was a woman and two boys staring straight at me. I gave them a kind smile.
"Hello! I'm Minna!" The woman shook my hand.
"Oh don't you look lovely! I'm Mikoto Uchiha but please just call me Mikoto." She was a very beautiful lady. A boy who looked about 23 came up to me.
"Hi I'm Itachi its nice to meet you..." He gave me a flirty smile making my cheeks heat up.
"N-nice to meet y-you Itachi." I blushed madly. He was super good looking. I looked at the other boy who looked about 17. He stared at me with a weird glint in his eye. I felt kinda scared but I just shook it off.
"Hn Sasuke Uchiha...." He grunted. I tilted my head but still smiled at him.
"N-nice to meet you S-Sasuke..." His hair was weird. It kinda reminded me of a ducks ass. I giggled at the thought. He raised his eyebrow at me. I cleared my throat.
"A-are you supposed to be my body guard?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I hummed and grabbed his hand and walked outside into the garden. He blushed at the sudden contact. I gave him a wide smile. He seemed cool to me. He looked around and looked at me as I picked some roses off the ground. I turned it into a flower crown and placed it on his head. He blinked while I giggled. He was so sexy. I blushed. Sexy? Where did that come from?
"Why are we here?" He spoke in a soft tone that made my heart melt.
"I just wanna get to know you better Sasu-sama...." I muttered. He sighed.
"What do you wanna know?"
"Anything." I shrugged. He hummed and held my chin up to meet his onyx eyes. He gave me an insane smile which made me shiver.
"How about I tell you about how your mine and only mine..." He whispered in my ear. I gasped when he bit my earlobe.
"If any boys look at you in a flirty way then I'll kill them..." His tongue ran down my neck making me jump.
"Got it?" He asked harshly. I nodded slowly.
"Y-yes Sasu-sama..." I whispered. He smirked.
"Good my little Minna...." He licked the shell of my ear making me flinch. Why is he acting like this?

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