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Rogue pov
I knock on Juvias door, I hope she likes my new tux I'm wearing ..when she opened the door
I was speechless ...
She was wearing a beautiful blue dress..her hair is out...cute silver shoes and earings

"J-Juvia you look beautiful"
Juvia starts to blush, "T-thanks Rogue~Sama, Juvia thinks Rogue~Sama looks handsome."
He started to blush, "thanks
Ok well let's go," He says and grabs her hand and walk to Applebee's.

Gray pov
"Hey babe lets go to Applebee's for dinner"
"Sounds good to me ultear says."

Juvia pov
Juvia and rouge are now ordering their food/drinks.
"Juvia will have steak and mash potatoes, with raspberry lemonade"
"And I'll have the exact same." Rogue says.

"Ok coming right up the waiter says"

But what caught Juvias eyes was a familiar couple in the table in front of them... was Gray and Ultear, "Rogue~Sama they're here."
Juvia says looking straight. Rogue looked back and saw them, Don't worry Juvia, we will still have a good time."

Gray pov
When we sat at our tables, I saw Juvia and Rogue behind us, Dammit why does Juvia look so cute... WAIT WHY AM I THINKING THAT!
"Gray, what are you staring at?" Ultras asks as she turns around to see Juvia and Rogue.
"Babe just cuz those losers are here, it's not like it's going to affect us." Ulysses sighed
"Y-your right babe"

Juvia pov
Our food came, Juvia and Rogue~Sama ate and talked.
When they finished Rogue paid and they left.
Juvia could fell a certain raven hair boy staring at her

-At Juvias place-

"Uhh Juvia c-can I stay over at your place I'm really tired... I'll sleep on the couch"
"Nonsense, Rogue~Sana will be sleeping on the bed with Juvia."

Rogue starts to blush like crazy and so does Juvia

"O-ok if you say so."

"Goodnight Juvia, Goodnight Rogue~Sama"

An:yay I kinda made the story long

  The right one (rovia fanfic) {EDITED AND COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now