how long until the end

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Florences P.O.V

I open my eyes to find the sun's warm rays shining through the window, the light makes me screw my face up to attempt to block it out. I roll over and see Isa staring at me, she looks angry "Isa, are you ok?" I ask feeling a growing worry for my friend.
"I wanted to say the same thing to you" she replys , fiddling her long blonde hair "what do you mean?" I ask, why wouldn't I be ok?
"Its nearly 5:00 in the afternoon and you weren't answering your phone" she almost yells
"shit really!" I screech
"yes" she says grumpliy, then storms out the room slamming the door. I drag myself out of bed and grab my jeans and a blue blouse with pink flower patterns and put them on while walking downstairs to find Isa.

I find her drinking water on my sofa, "hi" I say hoping she will be in a better mood. She replies by waving my phone at me. 23 missed calls and 12 messages from Isa, 15 missed calls and 17 messages from Rob, 3 missed calls from Grace and 19 missed calls and 22 messages from James. "Shit" I mumble to myself
"I'm sorry Flo, I was way too hard on you before. I was just worried." Isa said sounding less angry than before
"That's ok, I would have done the same" I reply.
"You should phone Rob, Grace and James they're worried about you." I text Rob, Grace and James explaining that I had slept in and that I'm really sorry, I soon got a text back from Rob and Grace but nothing from James. "You ok?" Isa asked
"Yeah" I reply, what is there to worry about? About five minutes later I get a phone call from James "hello" I said not knowing what to expect
"I need to see you tomorrow 11:30 ok?" He answers abruptly
"Ummm...yeah" I replied, confused by this sudden approach. Suddenly the phone went dead, he hung up on me. Isa handed me some toast and water "thank you" I say suddenly realising my thirst and hunger.

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