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Clementines point of view:

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Clementines point of view:

I slowly walked through the woods, remembering what everyone has told me throughout the apocalypse. It hurt to think of the dead friends that I once cared for, loved. Gone that quick...

"Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about, even if it means hurting someone else. " Lee.

"Clementine? Baby if you can hear this call the police, that's 9-1-1. We love you. We love you. We love y-" mom and dad.

"You don't just end it 'cause it's hard. You stick around and help the folks you care about. " Kenny.

"Sometimes you gotta play a role... Even if it means people you love hate you for it. " Pete.

"It's a tough world out here without people you can trust. " Luke.

"Take a page from Lees book and try helping someone for once! " Carly.

"Everyone I grew up with... It all happened to them. Now it's gonna happen to us." Nick.

I wiped a stray tear from my eye and looked ahead, I heard the sound of people, talking. Shocked, I widened my eyes and walked towards the sound. I heard two gruff men voices and a lighter woman's voice.

"Daryl! We will find out where carol is just stop! " a man demanded, I creeped closer and saw them. One with a crossbow turned to me and aimed his crossbow at me so I aimed my gun.

"Who are ye'?! " he snapped at me.

"I could ask you the same question. " I replied, holding my finger on the trigger, the man and woman held their guns at me aswell. I slowly started lowering my gun. "I'll tell you one thing."

"Go on. " crossbow urged.

"I'm Marsh, C Marsh. " I told them then turned on my heel and took off running.

"GET BACK 'ERE! " he yelled, I heard him chasing me. I quickened my pace then dived my body to the floor and under a fallen tree. I aimed my gun through a small peak and saw him emerge from the trees and look around. He cursed before the man and woman came and dragged him away.

I mentally yelled at myself, I shouldn't had even said anything to him or even snooped up on them! I got up and started walking away I kicked at a small pebble on the floor, I missed AJ, his small chubby face, his cute little nose.

I shouldn't have gave him to that group. But it was for his safety... I saw a tent and walked over to it there was food and everything! I crawled into it and zipped it up, I was so hungry and thirsty. I gulped down all the water and ate most of the food.

My stomach was full, I laid down and closed my eyes. Sleep overtook me.


Footsteps, groans... Loads of them. I sat up and pulled my gun out making sure the silencer was on. I unzipped it slightly and started shooting them. The silencer switched off and I accidentally let a bullet out causing a bang and their attention to divert to me.

I widened my eyes and quickly climbed out of it. I shot at them. I started running, I saw a woman shooting at them. She had short grey hair, she aimed at me and a bullet pierced my side. I fell to the floor in pain. She thought I was a walker.

I held my hip and started to cry, blood started to stain the grass on the floor. I tried sitting up but my body wasn't strong enough.

The woman ran over and picked me up. She started running, she kept saying sorry. I put my gun to her head after we lost the walkers.

"Put me down... Ag-against that tree. " I croaked, pain engulfing my body.

"Bu- "

"Do it! " I recognised this woman, I don't know where from but I do.

"Who are you? " she asked, slowly sitting me against the tree. She sat in front of me.

"I-I'm C Marsh... Clemen-en-entine marsh. " i whimpered.

"Did you ever give away a baby named AJ? " she questioned and I widened my eyes.

"Yes... Yes. I did. " I stated, my vision getting blurry. "Just go! " I don't want her near me anymore, I can't have her near me anymore.

"Clemen- "

"FUCKING GO! " I screamed, blood continuing to gush from my wound, she was taken back at my yelling but I didn't care. She got up and ran, I held my side. My vision became fuzzed, the sound became muffled, it reminded me back when Arvo had shot me.

Then I was about to close my eyes, I wanted to but I can't. I'd probably die if I did. The blood gushed from the wound, my breaths became shallower and slower...

It's the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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