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I'm Astrid the most popular girl in school who dates the head jock Snotlout.  I have always been curious and wanted to know more about Hiccup. I don't know what it is but he is different to all the other boys. My celeb crush is HaydenSings. He is so cute and adorable. All my girl mates love his singing and think he is fit. Anyway enough about my little crush. I'm a dancer durning my spare time. I'm just hoping I can dance for him someday. I have emailed him and he said yes!! I can't wait to start it tomorrow. I even am dancing me with my girl mates. Let me tell you about me.

I am:
5 foot 4
6.7 stone which is skinny
I'm a amazing dancer
Top dancer at my studio
My best friend is called Heather who dates James. Another school bully
I'm secretly nice but nobody knows the nice side of me. I just wish I could be the real me instead of the bitchy me. I don't even like Snotlout anymore.
I'm 14 and I have a 6 pack due to me being a dancer.

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