chapter 9.

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Okay, so. I ended up walking off on my own once, we got to the cabin. "I haven't seen one of these damn walkers ever since I got here." I growled.

I was pissed off and needed to kill something. I saw something, stumbling near a lake; laughing to myself. I swear, I'm going insane here.

I walked closer, a walker groaning as it turned towards me. "Hey. I'm bored, you wanna take care of that." I took out my knife/brass knuckles, punching it in the head then, stabbing it.

I had blood all over me. Fuck. I walk back towards the cabin, slamming the door open. Everyone looks at me; I just close the door and walked towards my room.

"[y/n] what the fuck is you're problem?!" Carl growled, closing the door behind him as he neared me. I put my glasses down, letting my hair down as well.

I turned around, kissing him; he just smirked and kissed me deeper, pushing me against the wall. "[y/n], let's go." Daryl yelled through the door.

"Coming." I smirked, pulling away as I traced a finger on his lips. I grabbed my glasses, putting them on and walking out of the room. "Bye, Carl."

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