Chapter 3

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school was over.

I walked out to the front door and saw Kian.

I walked over to him.

"Hey Maddie" he smiled.


I sat my backpack down on the bench and pulled my jacket out, slipping it on.

"So.. What would you like to do?"

"Not sure"

A few seconds go by.

"Why don't we just find a nice quiet place and get to know each other?"

"Sure." I blushed.

Just as he took my hand, Brent came walking out.

He's an 11th grader.

"What's this baby?" He said trying to hide who he truly was. A monster.

"He's my, friend?" I turned to Kian and he smiled and nodded.

"Well this is my girlfriend" he pushed Kian.

"Brent! Please!!"

They both looked at me.

He walked over and kissed me.

There was nothing I could do.

"Ok man, we're trying to hang out."

He pulled away and grabbed my butt.

"I'll talk to you later baby doll."

He smiled at me and grinned at Kian, walking away.

I didn't smile at all.

"That jerk is your boyfriend?"

I frowned.

I wish I could tell him.


He sighed, grabbing my hand and pulling me to a park. It was pretty much empty since it was cold outside.

We sat down away from the the people that were here.

"So.. Tell me about you?"

I smiled.

"Well, my birthday is next week. I'll be 16"

"So your in, what. 10th grade?"


"What about you?"

"I'm in 11th grade. I just turned 17 two weeks ago."

"That's cool."

We talked a little more about ourselves till Kian brought up a question I really wish he Hadn't.

"What happened to your face, if you don't mind me asking..."

I stopped smiling.

"I uh, I can't tell you."

"Your parents?" He frowned.

"No, my parents would never hurt me in any way. They love me a lot."

It was silent for a second.

"It's that guy, isn't it?"

A tear slipped.

I covered my face with my hands.

"Maddie, why are you with him if he beats you?"

"I can't say" I cried.

He put his arm around me and pulled me to him for a hug.

"As long as I'm around, he won't lay a finger on you."

I smiled into his chest.

"Thanks Kian"

He hugged me tighter.

I pulled away and looked at my phone after a few seconds of hugging him.


"My parents are gonna kill me."

"I'll walk you home."

"I can't ask you to do that, go home. I'll be ok." I smiled.

I started walking home and turned around halfway and noticed him following me.


"Oh, hey" he smiled and waved.

I shook my head and smiled to myself, continuing.

I made it to my house door.

"My parents are gonna drive you home."

"Wait here."

I walked inside and my mom ran up and hugged me.

"Where have you been Maddie? I've been so worried!" She cried.

"Mom, I'm fine. I promise." I hugged her back.

"Can you drive my friend home?"


We walked out onto the porch and Kian wasn't there.

"Where is she?"

"He mom, and I guess he left."


"Woah woah mom! He's not the guy who..." I stopped.

"Who what??!"


"Anyways, I just met him today. I was hanging out with him and he walked me home. I told him to wait here but I guess he walked home himself."

"Oh, ok. Dinners on the table." She smiled and hugged me.

I walked in to my dad reading he newspaper, taking bites, not looking away.

I sat down and started pouring food onto my plate.

"Mad! Where have you been!?"

He got up and hugged me.

"Just out with a friend, I lost track of time. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again."

He kissed my forehead.

"That's my girl."

He smiled and sat back down.

I ate and went to bed.



Brent's sitting on kian. Punching him.

I run over.


He pushed me down and I sat up.

He punched Kian one last time, Kian didn't move.

"Kian!" I cried.

Brent looked at me.

"You told!!" He said walking over to me angrily.

I put my hands over my face.

"IM SORRY!" I screamed.

He raised his fist.

No longer dreaming

I wake up crying.

I looked around and realized I was fine.

I laid back down, still crying a little till I fell asleep.

Abused // A Kian Lawley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now