Gone Too Long

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She strode through the hallways, dressed in only her thin white nightdress, droplets of rain drumming against the windows beside her. Moonlight poured through the glass casting a carpet of silver onto the chilly floor.

The rain was calming, Lenalee thought. Her shoulder-length hair bouncing around as she moved.
Usually she would hate the rain, it made her feel gloomy and miserable, it was like the sky was crying. That's how she imagined it.

It always felt so sad. Yet tonight's shower made her feel completely different. It was peaceful even though the droplets sounded loud as the hit the window.

It always felt so cold. But tonight it felt warmer than usual thought Lenalee as she stopped at the end of the corridor where she faced a dead end. A rather large window standing before her. She pushed it open, a chilling wave of wind and rain hit her.

She shivered. It always felt so lonely. Yet hearing the rain she felt comforted by the endless roaring clouds. She closed her eyes listening to nature's calming lullaby, she took a deep breath of air that filled the night, feeling it flow into her lungs, cold but fresh.

Lenalee brung her eyebrows together, the spiting rain suddenly stopping all at once like the calm before the storm. She opened her eyes only for them to widen in unexpected surprise.

Bathed in the light of the moon a figure stood on the branch of a tree; not too far away from the window, though close enough to climb onto the sturdy tree. The figure wore a cloak of white that covered his shoulders like a blanket of snow. On top of his head was another mess of white for his hair. His face was unknown, hidden by the glistening form of a silver mask.

Lenalee's breath halted.

The droplets of the rain were scattered over the tree and it's leaves, with the silver light being absorbed into the crystal liquid making it look like tiny beads or even pearls; sparkling there before her, enchanting her with their glittering glory.

"You'll catch a cold" His voiced echoed as it was laced with kindness and warmth that emited from his very being. His words flooded into her mind erasing her thoughts all at once. She could feel her knees wanting to give up but she forced herself to stay standing.

It had been months or even years since she heard his voice. Seen his face or even been around him. After he escaped from prison. After he vanished into the ark. She thought she'd never get another chance to see him, a chance for him to return to her.

Throughout that time her heart ached and ached as days became weeks that turned into months. She thought he had vanished for good. Yet somewhere deep down inside she knew he'd return home.

"Y-You idiot" She breathed out before her voice broke, even now she was afraid that this was just an illusion of her own mind wanting him back.

"Lenalee" Oh how much her heart ached at him saying her name. She took a very shaky step forward but she knew her knees would give out. So she fell-into his strong arms as he appeared before her, catching her, holding her and urging her not to fall again. Though his mystic cloak was gone, his being remained. He was so warm, Lenalee thought. She was freezing from the rain but none of that mattered. She straightened herself, resting her arms on his chest while her head buried itself in the crook of his neck.
With his arms around her she felt safe and protected like nothing could hurt her anymore.

She felt so complete.

"W-Why..." She begun to tremble, so many thoughts flooding her mind.

Why did you leave?
Where have you been?
How are you?
Has everything been alright?

But most of all she wondered.

"Are you hurt?" His body rocked side to side like a cot. By now Lenalee realised she had been crying and gripping onto his jacket.

"No" His voice sung to her again, she felt courage to push herself far enough to see his face. Just in case she had a strong grip, so that he wouldn't leave her again.

"Allen... Allen Walker"

She stared up at his face, he had grown much taller and now that Lenalee noticed, so much more handsome. Her right hand let go of his clothes and rose towards his cheek. Carefully as if he would break underneath her touch she let her hand come in contact with his skin. Her thumb stroked his cheek gently, soft against her fingers , she could see his silver orbs close as she felt his hand cover her own. She studied his face noticing scars that hadn't been there before. She wondered just what he'd been through.

She decided to risk moving her left hand, placing it over his right cheek. Her breath halted again. At that point his eyes were open and once again staring into hers deeply and lovingly. Her lips moved, she was speaking but she couldn't hear herself, his eyes hypnotised her to a point she saw nor heard anything else but him.

Everything was orientated around him now. Nothing else mattered.

Next came the words that were strongly engraved down in her heart. She never thought she'd hear them again.

Guess I was wrong...

So through her tears she smiled as she heard his voice that broke through his own tears.

"I'm home, Lenalee"

Gone Too Long [Allena Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now