these days

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I'm not doing much these days, just a youngin lost in my ways,
stuck in a dream that's getting harder to believe in.
I'm starting to think more about the money and less of the achievement.

We're raised in a world where it's not cool to cry,
and we exchange our tears for relatable songs to be our lala byes.
to make those nights Feel a little less colder. These days it seems you lose a little bit of yourself as you get older.

These days even the people you trust make you look over your shoulder.
If you ask me how I'm doing. This is my update.
I'm just kid who has a lot on her plate .I'm just trying to find all the answers before it's too late.
Before tomorrow becomes a mystery of what could've been.
I realized I gotta focus on me to see how MY story ends. What I chose in the end is my choice.
I'm learning to use my voice. I'm learning to speak my mind. I'm learning that everything has a answer in time.
I'm learning that everything isn't a competition, that it's OK to not talk but just listen. These are the things I think about these days. Just venting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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