My Superman (Colton IM5 One-Shot)

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HI. The one shot is of the ship of Colton (Cole/Dalton) from IM5. Well, Dalton from FAH now. Asdfghjkl;. I love them so. If I receive positive feedback and if people want a story, I might just make a story for them! Please vote, fan (follow), add to your library, and comment! I absolutely adore comments. I love y'all!

If somebody could make me a cover, I will dedicate this part to you and LOVE YOU FOREVER!


DISCLAIMER: I made up a character for Cole's girlfriend. I'm not going to use Cassidy because that's really disrespectful to her and I'm not a 5er who constantly hates on their girlfriends so. I know Colton is not real and will never be real. I'm aware. I know the boys don't swing that way. Yes, I like everybody else, saw Dalton's reaction on Tumblr, and honestly it hurt a little bit and I was taken aback somewhat but it's understandable. This is just a fictional story that's not hurting anybody. I'm a writer. And they inspire me. If Dalton or Cole asks me to take this down, I will. SO PLEASE DO NOT TELL DALTON OR COLE OR ANYBODY ASSOCIATED WITH THEM ABOUT THIS PLS N THX.

Dalton's POV:

I stalk into the XIX building entrance in a foul mood. Today isn't even a work day. We only have to sign posters for our next gig. I'm going to have a little talk today with somebody specific. Cole. Alan. Pendery. My bandmate, best friend and darkest secret. He's my boyfriend. But nobody knows. He always avoids the subject when I bring it up, successfully distracting by kissing me, knowing I'd forget even my own last name. I walk in the meeting room where I see Will and Dana giggling, spinning around in office chairs, Gabe typing quickly on his phone, and Cole laughing, as SHE leans over smirking, no doubt trying to turn him on with her exposed chest, touching his arm. A scowl creeps across my face as my aura darkens. What the hell is she doing here? He's MINE. And ONLY mine, no matter what the bitch thinks. Brooke Lindsey. I detest her. She steals his attention away and lately Cole hasn't had time for me at all. He only speaks to me when he has to here, and then immediately leaves to go meet up with her. I don't even remember the last time he even texted me. While I yearn for him, I still am burned by his actions. Fury shoots through my veins. I broke up with my girlfriend when Cole and I started secretly dating, but he didn't break up with Brooke. He spewed a bunch of excuses at me, saying he didn't want to break her heart, but I think he's ashamed of me so he uses her to shove the "I'm straight" card in my and everyone's face. Nobody would ever suspect that Cole Pendery was really bisexual and dates his also bisexual bandmate Dalton Rapattoni in private. I accepted his dating Brooke because that was the only way I would be able to be with him, and I was infatuated. At first, the secret thing was thrilling to me, but stolen kisses here and there with nobody around and seeing less and less of him grew old quickly. I've about reached my breaking point. I do have choices. He says he loves me, but lately I have been thinking he only told me that to get at me. Tears burn in my eyes, and I furiously scrub the feeling away.

"Hey, are you okay?" somebody's concerned voice suddenly breaks my inner rant.

My stomach drops to my shoes as the voice of the boy I love prods its way into my heart. Turning around, I see the boys and Brooke staring at me. I must be giving off a really negative vibe if everybody noticed. Cole's dark chocolate eyes soften and his lips part slightly, eyebrows furrowing. I see he's struggling with something. That something being most likely wanting to comfort me, but our bandmates and his girlfriend are here so there's no way in hell he would. At least he finally acknowledged my existence. Thanks for that Cole. Even when I am so upset and angry with him, I still take in his coiffed coffee brown hair, smooth tan skin, perfect lips, muscled lean body clothed in a white button down, black skinny jeans, and blue Supras. Those were the shoes I gave him for his birthday. The burn intensifies. Damn him. Why he ever wanted me, I don't know. I really don't. He probably didn't anyway. His eyes plead with me for me to understand, and sorrow wells up, overtaking some of my anger. I force a smile to show I'm "okay" and that I "understand". Sadness churns in me when I see his shoulders sag slightly in relief and Brooke latches on to his arm, looking unamused, staring at me with barely concealed disgust. She's always hated me, but Cole can't see it.

My Superman (Colton IM5 One Shot)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя