Part Two

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Here's part two like you all asked for! This is the last part as this is a one-shot. I'm so sorry about the wait. I got hate for this, people said horrible things to me about this, but I looked at the comments, votes, and reads, and I decided that this is me, and I'll post what I pretty well please. I have people who like my writing. Anyway.

Thank you thank you thank you so much! Every comment made me so happy! They made my day, you all are amazing. This was originally way smuttier (that's why it's shorter that what it was), but I chickened. Haters still get to me

Btw, if Colton smut is something you all want, I'll gladly provide. *blushes* We'll stow it away from the children. Mostly Dalton. Cough. Far far away from Dalton. It'll be private and rated R so nobody will accidentally stumble upon it. Only the people looking for it hard. (;


DISCLAIMER: I made up a character for Cole's girlfriend. I'm not going to use Cassidy because that's really disrespectful to her, and I'm not a 5er who constantly hates on their girlfriends so. I know Colton is not real and will never be real. I'm aware. I know the boys don't swing that way. Yes, I like everybody else, saw Dalton's reaction on Tumblr, and honestly it hurt a little bit, and I was taken aback somewhat, but it's understandable. This is just a fictional story that's not hurting anybody. I'm a writer. And they inspire me. If Dalton or Cole asks me to take this down, I will. AND DO NOT STEAL MY WORK. I AM SICK OF PLAGIARISM. CREDIT IF REPOST. MAKE IT KNOWN IT'S MINE, NOT JUST CASUALLY MENTION IT IN MICROSCOPIC WRITING AND YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I. WILL. FIND. YOU. IF. YOU. COPY.

Cole's POV:

My heart races as I stare at the love of my life. My gaze travels from his cute white socked feet, skinny reddish black jeans with a silver chain gleaming in the lamp light, long sleeve black shirt, dog tags, to his gorgeous face. He quirks an eye brow at me. His blue eyes shine with an emotion I can't quite place. The tear tracks have mostly dried. His white blonde hair droops slightly over his left eye. Sexual tension stands still around us, beckoning for somebody to give in. I'm so tempted. I crave his touch. I grip the black comforter in my sweaty hands, pressing my clamming neck into the soft pillow.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrates. Loudly. My heart drops to my stomach, making its way to my feet painfully.

*bzz* *bzz* *bzz*

Dalton's facial expression drops disdainfully.

"Are you going to get that?" he asks me.

I sense hostility in his words.

He walks towards me as my phone continues to vibrate. He leans over me, arms on either side of me. I begin to sweat more profusely.

"I dare you to," he states simply.

Holy shit.

I know that I have no choice. He watches me calculatingly as I slide my iPhone out of my pocket. The caller ID says Brooke.

"Go on then."

Dalton doesn't move from his position.

I slide the answer bar open, trembling.


"Cole! I miss you so much baby. Please come back over! I miss you already..." She continues to blabber while I half listen and half stare at my boyfriend wide eyed as he looks down icily.

"Look, Brooke, I gotta go. This isn't working. I'm tired of jumping at your every command. I'm in love with someone else. Not you. Don't call again, it's over," I shut her up, and hang up, turning off my phone completely.

I raise up on my elbows, pressing my lips close to Dalton's ear.

"I'm all yours," I whisper.

Dalton gazes at me with so much love. He kisses me sweetly and slowly. We press our foreheads together, breathing hard.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A few moments of pure silence pass.

"Now, you have to make it up to me," he smirks at me, climbing off.

A thrill shoots down my spine.

"Gladly. I've missed your sexy ass."

"Oh bless your heart, you're sadly mistaken. Your ass is all mine tonight, hon."

Yay for Colton! Thank you for your support. I love you all so much. Seriously.

My Superman (Colton IM5 One Shot)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora