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so this was my book "99 reasons to stay alive".
I started the book today (17. August 2016) and finished it on the same day.
It was pretty cool to write and like I did say before: It's more a book for me, than for you.
I hope, everytime I'm feeling worse, when I think about suicide and hurting myself, I can randomly select a chapter and think twice before I do anything.
So now my message to you: Stay strong, stay alive, don't be gone.
You're beautiful the way you are, you don't have to hate yourself you shouldn't think about killing yourself.
Be proud of you.
Stay alive.
Do it not for me, do it for yourself.
You can get through this, I belive in you.
Everytime you need someone to talk: write me. My dm's are always open, don't be shy and talk about your feeling.
I can't help you, but maybe talking about it can help you.

Talk to your teachers, friends who are really close to you, talk to your parents.
Do it, because it can help you.
Stay strong, live on and power to the local dreamer. |-/

P.S.: I'm thinking about making another part of this, but idk. Probably you will find soon something on my profile.

P.P.S.: I'm from Austria and this is my only english book. Just wanted to say you that :)

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