Im done.

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We live in a world where people know the word bullying and think they know the meaning but really dont know what it is. They joke about it. Spread it like a pack of gum at everyone who passes that doesn't fit in into their world of "normal". They joke about a person and because they respond with laughter they think they dont really care. A person can pretend so good that their "laughs" can hide the future tears that will spread once they get home and cry themselves to sleep. Bullying hides behind words. Behind questionable glances between two people about another lone person. They act like its funny to exclude someone. Make them feel like strangers in their own home.

Then unexpectedly, a person commits suicide and they all stop laughing. Their humiliating words haunt them in the voice of the person that killed themselves because of them. But after a while, they find a new set of words for a brand new victim.

Remember, you never know what someone is capable of doing. How their home lives are. How mentally unstable someone is. Depression is real. Anxiety is real. SUICIDAL is real.Those scary words exist. And that person you make fun of could be suffering from it and you dont get it because you arent going through it. You dont know it because you dont take the chance to get to know them. You just push them away like yesterdays garbage.

Im sick and tired of it.
Of seeing this world become so untouched by HATE.
The ignorant will stay ignorant until the unthinkable happens to them. Then the joke will finally be over.


F.E.E.L.I.N.G.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora