My Son

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(Above is Kyle.)

~Sean's POV~

"Dad?" My son, Kyle, asked.
I looked over at him. He patted the floor next to him. I sat down next to him. He was laying on his stomach drawing.
"What's up, little man?" I asked.
"I made this for you." Kyle said.
He handed me a drawing. It was a drawing of me holding him with his head in the crook of my neck and my arms protectively around him. I smiled.
"Dad?" Kyle asked.
"Mhm?" I asked.
"When I get older, do I have to run the gang like you do?" Kyle asked.
I always try to avoid this question. I sighed heavily.
"I don't know. Not yet anyway. But if I let you, it won't be for a very long time." I said.
"Why's that?" Kyle asked.
"I want you to have a childhood. Daddy never got to experience that." I said.
Yes, I have a son. And yes, I'm a gang leader. I lead the Scorpion gang. But I made one rule and I will stand by that rule till the day I die.

Kyle always comes first.

If he needs help with something, anything... I help him. My gang understands that they're second on my list. But they know Kyle comes first. Kyle is 5. His birthday's November 5th. My girlfriend that allowed me to have the best thing in my life, left me after she had Kyle. He doesn't know her, but already hates her. As do I. Kyle also has Sensory Processing Disorder. He hates bright lights and loud sounds. He's also emotional. But I have learned patience with him. That's all it requires. Love and patience. Basically what it is is his brain is having trouble receiving and responding to information that travels in through his senses. He has meltdowns a lot. To the point I had to homeschool him. He screams occasionally when touched. With the exception of me. Loud sounds cause him great discomfort. He either hides under a table if he's at home, or hides behind me if we're out in public. He's got an iron grip when his sensory problem acts up. Lemme tell you that. And with bright lights? Oh God. He has a meltdown. So when we go to a grocery store, or any store, he has to wear sunglasses. To block out or to tone down the bright lights so they don't bother him as much.

Blair was the name of my ex who gave me my little one; Kyle. I know she didn't want to take care of him. She was all for him during the pregnancy. But once she had him, it's like all that happiness turned off. When she was able to be released, she handed him to me and said:

"He's your problem now."

And he's never been a problem. He's everything and more to me. That's why I'm glad I can raise him my way. He has friends. Some of my gang members have kids of their own. Of course both parents are present for their kids. And I think Kyle is a little envious of that. And the green eyed monster does not look good on him. I've told him that but he walks tells me he's not 'jealous.' I know him better than he thinks I do. But like I said: the sensory problem he has makes him very emotional. He can be happy one minute than be screaming at you the next. Or he could be really sad than get scared. His emotions change real quick. I usually let him run around outside. With me watching him, of course. I have many enemies, I'm not letting him out of my sight. And he understands this. He's very, very clever. And that makes me extremely proud. And if he doesn't want to lead my gang when he comes of age, that's fine with me. Being a gang leader isn't for everybody. And I'll respect his decision. My gang may not like it, but as I said: Kyle comes before them. Regardless if they like it or not.

I heard a knock on my front door. Kyle looked at it.
"Who's that, dad?" Kyle asked.
"I don't know. Stay hidden." I said.
He nodded and his underneath the cupboards in the kitchen. Shutting the cupboard doors as soon as he was in. I walked over to the door, and who did I see as soon as I opened it?


Blair Collins.

My ex. And I was NOT happy to see her. Never in a million years would I ever be.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked.
"Where is he?" Blair asked.
"Who?" I asked.
"Kyle. Our-" I cut her off.
"MY son." I said.
"Okay. Can I speak to him?" Blair asked.
"Absolutely not." I said.
Can she not take a fucking hint?
"He's six now, isn't he?" Blair asked.
"Yes. His birthday was last week. Last Tuesday to be exact." I said.
"I wanted to come then but I got caught up at work." Blair chuckled.
She instantly stopped as soon as she my pissed off and blank expression.
"See, that's the difference between you and me." I said.
She looked at me, confused.
"What?" Blair asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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