Chapter 1

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I couldn't breathe.

He was everything I had dreamed. He had the same goofy, happy smile he did in all those pictures, eyes that outshined the sun and the stars. I was near ready to reach out and touch, just in mere amazement that he was real. Or was he? Could this have all been some dream I thought up out of exhaustion or drunkness or perhaps...perhaps I was high. Yes, that would make perfect sense. I was high and letting my imagination explore to the land where Harry Styles existed in my world. He existed and talked and looked at me like I was someone to be respected, not just another crazed fan who had trouble responsing to his spectulations.

 "Do you want anything to drink? I think I have a water in my bag. You look a little pale." He was grinning, that bastard.

He must have known how magically irresistible he was, killing me in a single grin.

"Oh, nah, I'm good." My eyes fell to the floor, suddenly insecure about how I was coming off. He was the most beautiful creature I'd ever met and he had no other specimen to search but me. It was overwhelming and terrifying all at the same time. I thought I would faint from the pressure, but I was too busy thinking of some way to keep discussion going. I couldn't have him thinking I thought I was too good for his water, or worse, a bore.

If Harry deemed me a bore, my future would be lost in tears of disappointment in myself.

But I had waited too long and the feeling of awkward silence crept up without warning. I racked my brain for topics to discuss, wondering why on earth it was so difficult. I had been waiting for this since I found out about One Direction, anyway. It wasn't like I hadn't thought about millions of questions and scenarios and had pathetically, secretly hoped those thoughts wouldn't go to waste. Desperate, I let out a "Sooo...," my head beginning to bob. "How 'bout that weather?"

I glanced over and his amusement in my stupidity had us both erupt into giggles.

Now that my huge, repressed smile was released, it refused to go away. I was blushing too, the mere sound of his laughter turning my cheeks bright pink.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous..." I confess, running a cool hand on the back of my neck.

Harry immediately shook his head, smiling as well. "No, please don't apologize. For anything. Really, I should apologize to you for getting us in this mess. I knew I should have charged my phone and I knew I should have brought Paul or someone along who would know what to do. Please, don't blame yourself. For any of this..."

"I'm just would be real helpful if I had a phone, or even a crowbar."

"Well, don't you worry. We'll get out of here eventually. They'll come looking in no time."

Hearing that almost made me sad. I didn't want this to end if I my heart was being honest. I tried not to let my smile fade, but it was hopeless.

"What was your name again?"

"Again? I don't think I had gotten the chance to introduce myself yet. I'm Anastasia, employee here at the hotel. Just my luck that I'd take the back elevator today. I always knew this one was creepy, doomed to break down."

"Ah, but how could you really have known? It's a pleasure, love...You know, I'm glad you're here with me. Might not have been in your luck, but it is in mine. I'd probably be a wreck if I was here alone, yeah? Try to escape through the ceiling and end up squished at the top cos it starts going again."

I laughed, terribly in love already. And he wasn't done yet.

"But're keeping me sensible."

I felt my knees go weak and wasted no time leaning against the wall in attempts to play it off.

"You, mister Styles, are going to have to watch what you say around me. I am quite easily charmed."

"What? I can't be honest with you?"

"Nooo...I mean, yes, I mean...just stop with the...whole...cuteness." I slide back against the wall to sit on the floor, feeling defeated that he had me calling him cute already. Bastard, I'm telling you.

I then covered my face with a large sigh. "I'm sorry, that was stupid." I mumble through my fingers, opening them up to meet his eyes staring down. "Just...go easy on me, Styles."

"No promises."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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