Hurtful | Teaser

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Those words, they snapped into the air like a twig from the forest. No one could deny that the firm words weren't the spoken truth, but yet they almost seemed to be false in the moment of flooding emotions. The air was thick with the tense atmosphere and noise thundered throughout the camp wildly. The situation he was put it was agonizing in the way of it triggering memories of the past not belonging where it was meant to be. Memories where meant to be in the past due to time moving forward but could one really say that they always have to be there? Perhaps the past was something not to dwell on, but certainly to remember.

I wasn't in the place to judge, but I couldn't help but to. Things like that were almost human nature anyways.

The frown that had once laid on his fave formed itself into a cheeky, misshapen smile. His porcelain skin was covered in shadow, something almost resembling the treachery of the past versus the present. His eyes glinted mischievously as he glared calmly at me. It was only then that it hit me.

He didn't understand it, did he? No, he never would. So what was the purpose to try and prove myself otherwise; explain the story that I didn't even know the whole of. Perhaps it could pose comfort, but I didn't believe that for a second.

A chuckle broke into the air, breaking the settled silence. It was deep and almost sounding amused, but it was honestly something I couldn't put my finger on. He watched me, his eyes scanning my face for a reaction.

"What is it?" I growled. His actions confused me and my question hung in the air in wait of a response as a scowl tugged at my lips.

His only response was watching me from across the room. He snorted in amusement, a smirk resting on his face that almost seemed braggy. "You know exactly what." He mused.

I groaned. My hands balled into fists that were held so tight it creates indents from my nails digging into my palm. What did he mean by that? I glanced up, defeated. "What will happen to them?" I asked.

His eyes flickered in something resembling annoyance, "You already know the answer to that." He retorted. I could feel his smile radiating through the air as I stared at the ground. "You'll never forget those memories." His voice was soft, a whisper spoken into my ear. But when I snapped my face up, he was gone. They would be soon too.

Still debating writing this

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