The Slumber Party

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs, and run carefully downstairs to the dinning room where mamma is cooking breakfast "I see your up" says papa while reading the news-papar "Yep if I smell bacon WATCH OUT here I come!" I said jokingly.

Then I sat down and started eating breakfast,when I was done I went to te bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Then I heard Ding Dong I knew it was one of my friends i ran so fast to the door I felt like I was flying I yell "I GOT IT!!!" Then I answered the door... It was Emily, "Hi Zara!" she said, "Ello Emily!" I said back very happy then I invited her in and we walked up to my room "Wow...Your room is very empty..." said Emily sadly " I know...All of the memorys..." I said sadly.

Then we heard Ding Dong We looked at each other then, we ran to the door and answered it. It was Miranda!

We all bear-hugged eachother and then we fell onto the floor. We were all laughing and then we saw Brianna walking up. We all yelled "BRIANNA!" Then we all tackled her! We all fell down, when we were done laughing our butts off we got up and went inside to my room up-stairs.

"Wow... Your room..." They said as they walked in." I know..." I said with a sigh.

"Why are you moving?" Asked Miranda, "I dont know really..." I said

"okay" Miranda said sadly with a sigh.

"What school are you going to?" Emily asked, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I said, "Thats sounds fun! I mean like...It sounds like a fun place..." Miranda said with her thinking face.

"Hey maybe there will be dragons!" I said looking staring into space.

"That would be funny! And you would fly off into the sunset" Emily said laughing very hard.

"You wish!"I said throwing a pillow at her "That would be awesome! I always want to fly on a Hippogriff and a Dragon...That would be fun!"

"Girls time for lunch!" said my papa standing in the door-way of my bedroom

"okay!" we all said looking kind of hungry.We all ran down-stairs and sat at the table filling our plates with chicken strips, chips, and apples. We got to have something heathly, and our drinks are Tea and Dr.Pepper!

When we finshed our lunch we went outside and sat on the grass there was a little breeze and it was sunny, the kind of weather I love."Hey you think you will lke Hogwarts? asked Brianna "because it seem like a nice place and all..." I looked up at her from the book I was reading and said, "I dont know if I will like it or not...It sounds fun, and I will meet new people, but I dont really know, I'll try to make the best out of it though." I looked at her and she looked out me, then we all bursted out laughing for no good reason. After we stopped laughing we noticed Erik standing next to us, holding a plate of home-made chocolate chip cookies. He said that my mamma and papa made them for us, We got up and we got 2 cookies each.

After we finshed the cookies we went inside, up to my room, turned on the radio and listened to Back-Street-Boys one of our favorite bands. We had some tea, and we all fell asleep.

We woke up to Zoey standing next to us looking down at us "What are you doing?" She said with a cunfused look on her face.

"We fall asleep." Brianna said yawning.

"How can you guys fall asleep with the radio that loud?!" She said pointing at the radio still playing BackStreet Boys. We looked at each other then said at the same time "It was the tea!" Then we all started to laugh, I looked at the clock it was almost time for dinner

"Zoey when is mamma and papa going to make dinner?" I said still looking at the clock the time said 5:35pm.

"Oh yeah...Thats why i came up here! Mamma said to tell you that dinner is about done and to wash up for it."

We all ran down-stairs to the bath-room sink to wash our hands, then we sat at the dinner table. Dinner was Steak and Potatoes and corn!

We all ate and finshed dinner and went up to my room. We turned the radio on again, and started listening to more music, we all made our beds on the floor, and started dancing to the song that was playing, messing up the beds.

We made our beds again and got really tired from dancing and fell asleep, I had another weird dream...

The Dream

I was sitting on a branch in a beach tree by a lake, and there was a wolf sitting down looking up to me like it wanted to tell me something, but couldnt. It run off into a forest I was very confused and I was calling after it a name that sound like moon or something close to that i wasnt to sure during the dream.

Then I woke up...

I was the 1st one to wake up, I always wake up before everyone I dont know why though. After I woke everyone up we went down to breakfast and it was...Bacon, eggs, and pancakes! Yum We finshed eating,we changed, and went outside to the swing again.

Time went by fast and it was time for my friends to go home I said good-bye, and went up to my room to finsh packing.

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