Things change... but only sort of

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I would love to say that I then spent fun filled hours bonding with my new team, telling each other deep secrets and plotting our next heist. 

But instead I caught a cab home and slept like the dead until my alarm woke me up for school.

It took some serious willpower to get up that morning. Few things trivialize high school more than robbing a bank with insane asylum escapees. I lay in bed for a solid five minutes, wondering if I should fake a cold.

I finally slunk out of bed, thinking longingly of the bag of cash stuffed in the back of my closet. So many crafting supplies..

Walking down the school hallways that day was bizarre. I half expected someone to look over and shout, "Hey! That's the kid that robbed the bank yesterday!" But social invisibility still seemed to be my other magical ability, and no one aknowledged my existence beyond necessity that day. No one saw me differently, but I found myself unable to look away from the other students. 

What kind of secrets did they have? How many of them were concealing things too? How many miraculous people hid their true selves from the world? Could that girl have powers? That teacher?

It was a wierdly pensive day. 

Getting home to the store cleaning routine was oddly comforting. No matter how crazy things got, I would never miss a day of cleanup. Mom was helping a customer at the counter as I wiped down the windows.  A warm glow filled me as I thought of all the money she'd be receiving soon. 

I finished and gave her a little wave before heading upstairs. 

I was barely even surprised to see Kayley, and Simon sitting at the table when I walked in. 

"You have got to stop doing this," I sighed, dropping into a chair. "My mom's going to catch you someday."

"Oh, she knows we're here," Kayley informed me.


"We knocked. Told her we're your friends."

I squinted skeptically. 

"For lack of a better word, I guess friends works. Where's Pearl?"

"Digging through your closet," Simon said, tipping back dangerously far in his chair. "Says she wants to find you a good costume."

Perfectly on que, Pearl burst into the kitchen, arms loaded with various clothes from my closet, and a few that definitely were from my mom's. Before I could object, she had flung a denim jacket over my shoulders and shoved a headband onto my head. 

"Try these boots!" she bubbled, holding up a pair of fur-lined high heels. 

I refused, but before I knew it the high heels were on my feet. 

Simon sized me up and even he couldn't resist a little smirk.

"There's some room for improvement there," he commented. 

I looked around at them all. Costumes... Pearl might be insane, but she had a point. We were a severely underdressed team of bank robbers. 

"I think I've got that covered," I replied, plans blossoming in my mind. With my new unlimited budget, I could make anything.

 "We're going to be the best dressed robbers Gotham's ever seen."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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