Chapter XXVII

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Earth. 3rd Planet from the star, Sol, 21st Century,

Paris, France. Current day.

The suppositions in Misty's brilliant paper set Julius' mind racing like nothing since his first meeting with Emilio. If what she was indicating was a possibility, it could turn the world on its head in countless ways. Religion, philosophy, history, art, damn near everything. Where did this idea come from? Did she have empirical evidence or was it just pure speculation and fantasy ginned up for a good grade? Either way, that was going to happen just for providing a break in his boring daily routine. He had to speak to this girl and find out what kind of amazing soul generated such beauty in so few pages.

He marked the paper and scribbled a note on the cover sheet. "Misty, I would like to schedule a time to discuss the ideas you have written into your paper. My itinerary is open on Thursday evening for dinner if you are available. Thank you, Julius."


Misty sat starry eyed opposite her professor in the fantastically expensive Le Restaurant. Julius was quick to tell the very attractive and very southern American student that the hotel surrounding them was where Oscar Wilde spent his last days. He assumed he probably could have spoken about the importance of dental hygiene and she would have been fine with that conversation as well. She was too enamored with the plush red seat she sat in.

"Ms. Taylor, would you like some Saint Amour Pinot Noir. It is very good."

"Oh, yes, please." The pretty young woman looked up from the chair and gave Julius a large smile."...and do call me Misty. I love your class, by the way, Mr. Mannheim. But, I have a sneaky suspicion you didn't ask me out on a date to talk about old strange authors and to get me drunk on expensive wine did you?"

Julius smiled sheepishly. "No, not in particular. This is not really a date, by the way, Ms. Taylor. I would assume the university faculty would frown on the activity labeled as such."

"Please, where I come from, any man that takes a lady to any kind of seductive restaurant like this is not playin' around. So, are you playin' around with me, Julius?" Misty ran her fingers over the white linen on the table's surface admiring the material. She glanced up at her blushing German professor.

"No. I always eat here. However, I am typically alone. It is nice to have some company for a change."

"Awww, that's sweet." Misty smiled warmly. "Well, I didn't mean to come off all rude and such. If I did, I do apologize, Julius, but a lady can never be too sure when it comes to her honor," she snickered. Keeping her eyes focused on her professor, Misty secured a sweaty crystal glass filled with ice water, lifted it to her lips, and took a sip.

Julius inadvertently found himself watching the act jealous of the ice cube swimming in the clear liquid. He cleared his throat and returned his weakened attention to an approaching familiar figure. "Ah, maître d!" Julius announced at the arrival of the tuxedo-clad gentleman.

"Good evening, monsieur Mannheim. I see you have a very lovely guest dining with you tonight. Madame." the tall man said as he formally dipped his head and bowed toward Misty. He presented her with a finely bound book. "I shall give you a few moments to look over the menu and will return momentarily."

"Je vous remercie," Julius said to the departing maître d. "So, what do you fancy, Ms. Taylor?"

Misty smiled.

The serveur arrived with Misty's order of wild pigeon. Julius requested the monkfish. Regardless of his innocent intentions, the professor could tell his very attractive student was enamored with the entirety of the evening. The German assumed this could go in a very inappropriate direction if he was not careful. He knew she was experiencing something between them and he really felt it. He had been feeling it.

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