Chapter 2

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I return to school and go to my locker. Cassie Miller strolled up to me. ; little clicks follow her from her heals.
"What are you doing" she snickered
"Getting my stuff, what does it look like?" I snapped still looking at my locker.
"Well your in my personal space, so move" she snapped back.
"Excuse me, I was here first I think your the one in (my) personal space" I said.
"Move" she said and with that she pushed me out of the way.

I look up at her staring me down. "Go Niki" she snickered. "Can't you see, no-one wants you here" she smiled as if she did nothing wrong.

"No Cassie you don't get do you" I say
"I need to get my stuff then you can get your's" I say in a baby voice.

She looked embarrassed and pushed me harder making me fall back. As I fall I scream making the whole hall full of kids look at me. I had hit my head on the pole.
"Niki no one wants you here" she yells again.

I quickly move and run along to my class. Never again I think to myself. Never again. I felt the back of my head blood trekked down my fingers. I run to the bathrooms to throw up. I felt dizzy, I fainted.

I wake up confused in the hospital. I look to see a doctor arched over me. He was young and looked as if he had just got out of college.

"Agh what am I-I doing here" I stutter.
"Don't worry you have just a slight concussion" he explained
"You will be staying in here for a couple of days" he says.
"Ok but how did I get here" I ask.
"You hit your head on a metal pole then blacked out, but that's all I heard do you remember anything" he asked.

Of course I remember everything. Cassie pushing me. I didn't say anything just nodded.
"Well I talk to you later just rest for now" he explained.

Again I nod and fall back to sleep. I dreamt about the night again. The truck coming and hitting her. What if I was there. My last time I saw my mother was when we where fighting.
I wondered so many times. Was it my fault? I always thought that maybe it it was stress that made her crash. I'd never know. But the guilt always made me think twice.

I wake up again but this time with my Matt hanging over me.
"You think you could be here without telling me aye" he whispered into my ear. And with that he slapped me hard on the cheek.
I grasp my cheek in pain. When will this end I think.
When I choose it to be:/

Hey guys how was this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes, I did this late at night.

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