Chapter one

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I was just making potions and looking for spells in the spell book 20 minute's later mitty barged in the house and said "CUPQUAKE.." Saying in a heavy voice "WHAT WHATS HAPPINING" i said and mitty said "do you have my cat" and i did this face ~_~ and lizzy came in and barge the door "CUP.." "CAN YOU GUYS JUST PLEASE STOP DOING THAT" i said and lizzy said "doing what?" I said "BARGING MY DOOR!" And then venglef came in by not barging my door "Hi guys whats happining?" And i said "thank havens venglef thank you" and venglef said "for what?" And lizzy and mitty said " I think shes happy because you didnt barged the door" and then i fell in my desk of potions and i became invisible

I see cupquake laying on the floor and looks dizzy
I said "help me carry cupquake" and lizzy and venglef said "Yah Yah Yah but where is she?" And i said "Opps thats right you dont wear my glasses ok here wear this" and they wear it and venglef said "WOW mitty this is so cool can you tell me how you made this?" And i said "no time for chit chat lets get cupquake and venglef maybe later" and we three carry cupquake after 1 hour of walking to cupquakes house it was so far we show red cupquake and red said "oh no there's a problem." And i said "whats the problem?" And red said "cupquakes will have amnesia half of her brain is out of memory or even bad dead" and i said "what will we need to do to help?" And venglef said "why do we have to do this?" And i said "because she is are bestfriend" and venglef said "Oh sorry just the voices in my head just kidding thats not what they said" and i said "um venglef are you insane?" And red said "stop we have 2 weeks to do this so heres the plan i will srink you togo to her head and then you will go to her brain and there will be levers so im not sure what it is so here take this you will hear me so be careful there will be monsters in her head" and i said "is cupquake a robot?!" And red said "no you guys have that to we all do" and i said "ok well we are ready" and red said "in a cout of three one, two, three"

I will left it here be alert for the future chapter if you read this bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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