Chapter 1

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"Babe! I'm going to work!" You said as you walked out the door, closing it behind you. As you walk to your car, you think to yourself "he hasnt been acting like himself lately...mostly it was him ignoring me and telling me to 'back the fuck off' and just being mean." 30 minutes later, you arrive at your work, and get fussed at by your boss Cal, she hated when you came in late. You started to get a few orders, and you made them, brought them out, and relaxed for a moment. Cal told you that you can have a break. You went in the bosses office, plugged in your earphones and started watching his new videos. 45 minutes later you break ended, you unplugged your earphones, and was about to head back when your heard your boyfriends laugh, and peeked around the corner to where you heard the laugh, and saw your boyfriend...holding another girls hand... You repeated in your mind "What the fuck? Who the hell is that girl? I-Is he cheating on me? This isnt real...THIS ISNT REAL!" And you kept saying that it wasnt real...until he start to make out with her, and you pinched yourself. You were now crying...You and your boyfriend were dating for 5 years and felt betrayed, you cried and cried. All the memories came back of yall together, and all the fights, kisses, laughs, and "I love you"s. You just RAN through the doors, crying your heart out. You heard your boss scream "WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)!!!!!" and you didn't care, you just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. About 48 minutes have passes, and you stop to catch your breath...and your tears. You dont notice it until you look up, you stopped at the happiest place in the town, "Joyful Park", and you run up to one of the benches, sit down, pick your knees up, and cry. You don't notice someone was sitting by you...and it was a guy. He starts to say "Lass? Is everything alright?" You noticed that voice almost couldn't be....could it?

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