A Midnight Dream

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A/N : Soooo another 'masterpiece' (😂) from Nina( LostNorthernnStar ) and Sofia ( TheTrailOfTears) hope you'll like it :)
Btw follow Nina on her personal wattpad acc :)
Enjoy and leave comments.

Dakness was descending on the small island in waters of Kiteenjärvi - a lake near the town in southeastern Finland, Kitee. Normally uninhabited, this island was now showing the signs of life. Campfires were burning, boats were dragged out on the shore, tents were visible among the tall spruce trees. Since the early morning, sounds of laughter and yelling were disturbing the usual silence. Obviously, a company of young Finns decided to go camping and chose this island as their location. It was mid-spring, the time when days weren't dark anymore, even though the nights were still dark and long and snow was almost melted. Sun was setting, painting the sky in all shades of red, orange and pink. The youngsters, who were dispersed on the island throughout the day, started to gather near the big campfire as the night fell. It was just a camping night of classmates, who have come to the island from Kitee. The last people to join the group by the campfire were a young girl and a boy several years older than her. As soon as they approached the fire, the girl turned away from her partner and frowning made her way towards the place where two of her friends - A tall, dark haired boy and a small, blond one - were sitting. The dark haired boy stared at her as she walked towards them and sighed without even noticing it himself.

"You're staring again, Tuomas." The small boy noted. Tuomas didn't pay attention to him and turned to the girl as she approached them.

"What's wrong, Tarja?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Nothing. I'm going away from here." She replied curtly, collected her bag and marched towards the boats. She was walking fast and it took Tuomas some time to catch up with her. Tarja turned around as she heard heavy breathing and footsteps behind her. "Do you even know how to drive these?" Tuomas asked, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'll manage something." She huffed. "Why are you going? What did Luukas do?" "We broke up." Tarja gave back shortly. "You're not going to ruin the whole evening for yourself because of him, are you?" Tuomas groaned. "Come on, stay, you'll have fun, I promise. I can't let you go away from here alone. Stay and we'll go together in the morning." Tarja hesitated a little and cast a worried glance towards her ex-boyfriend. "I don't want to be where he is." "Please, Tarja! Stay for me and Emppu." Tuomas pleaded. "Do you want me to get on my knees?" He joked and looked at her hopefully. Convinced, Tarja nodded and turned away from the boat. "Fine. I'll stay." She wanted to go back to the campfire but Tuomas reached out and stopped her. "Let's stay here for a while, look how beautiful the lake is." The girl nodded once again and followed the boy, as he started to walk along the shore.

After strolling for a while, talking about various things and laughing, they found with a surprise that they've walked quite big distance from the camp. It was already dark and first stars started appearing on the clear sky. "We should really go back." Tarja said, shuddering. Tuomas noticed that and touched her hand. "Are you cold? Wait I'll give you my coat." Without paying attention to Tarja's feeble protests, who was indeed feeling cold, he hastily took off his coat and covered Tarja's shoulders with it. "Thank you." She smiled at her friend but he wasn't looking at her. He was gazing over her shoulder, far away. "Tuomas?" Tarja hesitated, then touched him lightly. "Don't talk... Just look." He whispered. The girl turned around and gasped. The sky was dark, full of stars and over line of the horizon, where the lake met the sky, luminous light was visible. It started to expand and took greenish glow, and soon, Tuomas and Tarja were gazing in awe at the aurora borealis. The sky seemed to move and northern lights changed colours, from green to turquoise to purple. It swayed from left to right and back, enchanting the spectators. They stood silently, admiring the light show, listening to quiet gurgling of water, as small waves met the shore, and sound of wind through the grass. Unconsciously Tarja moved closer to Tuomas, not taking her eyes away from the sky. While aurora borealis swayed and glowed, Tuomas and Tarja became unaware of surroundings and reality, they only felt warmth of each others' bodies and saw the swaying colours. In this magical moment they felt as close as they never did before. The luminescence reflected in their eyes, their hands met and fingers entwined, but neither of them noticed.

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