The Year of 22 Tears (5)

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Hey guys heads up for the full effect you need to listen to the music on the side! Thanks!!

Chapter 5  

*It was dark as if it was midnight and I was alone.  There was no moon, no stars, and no light.  As I pulled into our driveway, I knew that something was off; something was wrong.  I opened the door to my house.  It was eerily quiet; I held my breath.  I turned the corner quietly  slowly.  I stood there frozen as I saw it; the blood.  Everything was covered in the sticky wet red  substance. It was as if there was a struggle.  There were bloody hand prints on the walls and splatters of the substance was everywhere along with the unforgettable footprints. My head  began to spin.  I had to find my mother!  I had to see that she was okay!  I ran out to the woods by our house.  I didn’t want to stop but yet again I did.  I wish that I hadn’t though, because what I saw made my stomach turn.  I saw my mother there, an arrow piercing her skin and making a hole in her heart.  The blood came running out of the wound.  But the blood didn't stop there; it was everywhere on the ground and on the tree supporting her.  A tear ran down my check; I felt defeated.  Then it hit me.  My sister she hadn’t been in the car with me. I had to find her, so I ran some more and I tripped. I looked back to see what had tripped me expecting a branch, but it wasn't.  My eyes bulged out of their sockets, there she lay, a knife in her own hand and her neck was slit open and blood covered her from head to toe.  My high pitched scream filled the air.  I felt as though the trees surrounding me were reaching out trying to trap me in my own pain, in my own nightmare.  I was in the pitch dark finding the bodies of those I love. I kept running; that is  until I was about a mile away from the house.  I froze yet again.  There was Trent, dead, and  hanging by a branch and blood running down his neck, but that wasn't the end. I went over to him.   I don't know what made me do it, but as soon as I did his eyes flew open and his hand reached out for me.  It felt like it was too much and yet again I screamed.  I ran the next mile to the house. It looked lifeless and dark like no one had been in it for years.   I slowed my run as I went up to the front door. Everything seemed lifeless and dull.   I opened the once beautiful door as it let out a  slow high pitched moan.  I continued walking down the halls to the room I had been in. Everything  was dark.  The leaves that were on the ground outside managed to fly inside to where I am now.   The breeze in the house was cold and lifeless.  I got to my room and opened the door.  What I saw there scared me.  It was the music box and a black rose given to me by him before he left.   I later burned the music box as it would give me nightmares beyond belief.The music it played  was not welcoming but horror filled with pain and sadness.  The music box was on a table open playing that horror filled song the one I could never shake away from me.  I slowly backed away from it and back out the door when something caught my eye; a doll.  It scared me it wasn't a normal doll no much more than that, it had a crack all the way down its head and an evil glint in its eye. It seemed to be watching me it terrified me so I ran. I started down the stairs when  I heard the creak of the floorboards behind me I turned and saw him. I pushed myself to run faster as his footsteps grew louder.  I reached the large door keeping me from the outside. It took me a minute for my hands to do what my mind was telling them to do as it finally opened I could feel him behind me. I ran out the door but of course with my luck I tripped over something, the doll, I had never seen it before and it was still staring at me the same one. Frozen I heard him behind me. "I told you I would find you, I told this day would come." and with that he stabbed in my chest and began to laugh.*   I bolted up sweat coming down my face I looked to my left and screamed in terror.  


    ??? P.O.V.  

I watched the house, I knew she was there I told her she wouldn't be able to hide. I guess some people just don't get it. I kept my eye on her for years. I heard a scream that sent a shiver of pleaser down my spine, and sly smile came onto my face I knew that it was her. I would get her I knew I would.

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