Holy pineapples

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"But I want pineapple on the pizza."

"People who like pineapples on their pizzas are weirdos much like yourself."

"IM GETTING MY PRECIOUS PINEAPPLES ON THE PIZZA ALRIGHT DEAN! SAY SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE I SHOVE MY FIST IN YOUR FACE." As soon as those words left my mouth his eyes widened and he shut his mouth.

That's right. Never mess with a pregnant woman.

Dialing the phone number on his cell he proceeded to tell the person on the other line the toppings. I was listening very intently and he never mentioned the pineapples.

I walked over and stood in front of him glaring the darkness of my soul into his eyes.

"Uh um and add some pineapples too." He quickly said.

Walking away satisfied I grabbed the liter of coke from the fridge along with some cups I found in the cupboard.

The company was having a small party for Dean requested by the ceo of the company. Dean was suspicious of the whole thing but went along with it. I personally didn't want to come and see him but crush begged me with puppy eyes so I couldn't say no.

The power his darn puppy had over me was ridiculous.

"It should be here in thirty minutes." Dean said walking into the supply closet, taking out a table cloth and covering the table. He was still ignoring me and only talking to me when he had to.

Why was he the one angry when he's the one who yelled at me? I should be the angry one yet I feel upset that he's being so distant.


I jumped letting out a small scream dropping the large plate in my hand. Thank God there wasn't anything on it.

"Did I scare you?" Crush jumped in front of me with a huge smile on his face.

I let out a sigh of relief. He must've triggered something because I suddenly got dizzy. Crush caught me by the arm and gently sat me down on a nearby couch.

"My bad I didn't think I'd make you feel sick." He said crouching down beside me,scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay I'm fine just a little dizzy that's all." I smiled reassuringly placing my hand on top of his.

"What the hell happened." I heard Deans voice closer. He dropped the things in his hands and rushed over to me.

"Are you alright? Is it the ba-" he paused looking down at a confused crush. Turning his attention towards me he cleared his throat and spoke again.

"What happened?"

"Oh I was just messing around with her and she got a little dizzy that's all." Crush interrupted.

"What? Don't do that anymore! She's....she's fragile alright so don't scare her!" Dean yelled.

"It's fine jeez he was just messing around like his usual self." I said standing up. There he was going off again for no reason. "So take a chill pill and stop yelling will you?" I patted his shoulder walking past him.

"Woah Dani I've never heard anyone talk back to Dean before." Crush said grabbing a cup and filling it with coke.

"Yeah well he'll have to get used to it."

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