Chapter 19: Torture

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“God my pack is so stupid, always jumping to conclusions.” I scoffed rolling my eyes.

Eric chuckled and said, “I agree.”

Then there was another moment of comfortable silence, all I could hear was the faint drops of rain as they streamed down the windowpane, I started to shiver from the icy chill that had filled the air. I snuggled closer to Eric and he adjusted his grip on me so I was now safe and sound in his strong arms.

“So what are you going to do?” He asked me worry in his tone.

“I don’t know.” I murmured feeling the sleep attack me.

I yawned and my eyes gently closed, Eric kissed me gently and whispered, “Sleep well sweetheart, I love you.”

And with that I drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Eric’s P.O.V

I looked at the beautiful sleeping Angel in my arms and wondered, how the hell was I supposed to tell her that someone wanted her dead? Someone she once called friend, maybe even more than a friend wants to kill her and it’s my entire fault. If only I could have backed away from that fight and not attacked then Lauren wouldn’t be in this mess and her life wouldn’t be in jeopardy. You’d think living in this outrageous magical world there could be an option or some kind of way to turn back time but sadly there isn’t and I can’t change what I did.

So I may have lied to Lauren about what happened when I found her half dead in the forest but as Nate said, it would be better for her to be in the dark than to know what horrible plan fate has for her. Just remembering my little conversation with the spirit makes me shudder, it wasn’t a very sociable let alone pleasant conversation.


An ear splitting scream filled the misty afternoon’s air, a gut-wrenching sensation rocketed through me as I realised the scream belonged to her. My heart began to thud uncontrollably as I slowly began thrashing my way through the trees and bushes around me heading in the direction of the scream. Before I knew it I was running, jumping over tree stumps and ducking under branches, squinting to see through the rain that was bucketing down and straining to hear any more signs of distress. Thunder rumbled in the distance and a flash of lightning lit up the now pitch black sky, I have to find her was what I kept telling myself. I stumbled into a small clearing to find my Lauren being pinned under a disturbing creature with old weathered hands and razor sharp claws protruding from the nail bed, he was laughing evilly to himself as he swung his hand forward to cut Lauren in the chest, right where her heart should be.

“Get off of her!” I screamed at the creature.

The creature turned to look at me and I gasped, it was him. The guy from my past, the guy I attacked and killed. But what shocked me most were his blood red eyes, he was the spirit. “Well, long time no see buddy.” The spirit grinned showing a set of jagged, sharp teeth. He threw Lauren’s limp body to the ground and stood up still smiling creepily at me.

I rushed over to Lauren and picked up her lifeless body in my arms, blood was trickling down her face and soaking her clothes from a massive gash on her forehead. Her eyes were closed and she was losing consciousness she had lost way to much blood. I quickly tore off the bottom of my shirt and wrapped it tightly around her head to try and stop any more blood loss, I didn’t know if it would work but it was the best thing I could think of doing. I wiped some of the blood of her face and tears filled my eyes seeing her like this, bruised, beaten and dying. I can’t let her die.

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