1: How You Meet

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1 : How You Meet
Rick :
   You were Carl's babysitter before the apocalypse. A few years into the outbreak you two stumble upon each other, he accepts you into the group after a few tests. You began to watch his newest child Judith. It was hard for you two to become close because he was consistently busy with running the group.

Carl :
   You were Ron's sister/brother. Even though your brother hated him you thought he was adorable. He soon developed a little crush on him.

Daryl :
   You two met in the woods while he was hunting. He was gonna kill you after you almost stabbed him, twice. Instead he brought you back to the group and you guys became close acquaintances.

Glenn :
   You two had met in the beginning of the outbreak. You hated each other for the longest time before you started bonding over your love for coffee and pizza.

Maggie :
   You went to high school together. You two weren't very close but you considered each other friends. When the outbreak started you stumbled upon the Greene farm where they took you in.

Tara :
   You were apart of Rick's group when the prison was attacked by the Governor. When you woke up after the attack you were still at the prison, you ran into Glenn and Tara. You guys became super close after trying to find the rest of the group.

Enid :
   You saved her from a truck she was trapped in. She had just watched her parents die and was very hot headed. She was very rude and snapped at you for everything. You understood she was just scared. You were always by her side either way.

Extra Character

Negan :
   You were kidnapped by a group called the Saviors. Negan immediately took a liking to you and took you with him to conquer other groups. You became his right hand man.

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