16 : What They Get You On A Run

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16 : What They Get You On A Run

Rick :
    He gets you your favorite candy. Even if it is a few years old it still tastes the same. You think it's sweet that he gets it for you.

Daryl :
   A bracelet. It has your name carved into it. He really isn't one for romantic things but he had to grab it for you.

Carl :
    A small music box. It's one of those pink music box's where the ballerina spins in the middle. You had one when you to first met but it was broken. You had been upset about it so Carl found another one for you. ( He almost died )

Glenn :
   A necklace. It was a gold necklace in the shape of a heart. It was very beautiful.

Maggie :
    Flowers. They were overgrown in somebody's garden and she pick you a whole bunch. They were your favorites.

Tara :
    Books. All the classics. All your favorites. She knew you loved reading and had to grab you a stack of them.

Enid :
    A jacket/flannel. Yours had a tear in it so she got you two matching ones. They were hard to find but she would do anything for you.


Sorry I didn't update for the past two days.

Thank you -voidnacon helping me with this idea xoxo

- Mariah Ann xx

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