Episode 1

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Here is Lemon Grant  ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄

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Here is Lemon Grant  ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄ ˄

We start off with a Television screen blaring some kind of cheesy flashy talk show music. A star is spinning on the screen, with the words-INTERRUPTION-written on it.

AUTO-TUNED VOICE: You're tuned in to a TV marathon! You're tuned in to a TV marathon! You're tuned in to a TV marathon!

The star on the TV screen switches to NINO, a very fabulous and edgy looking TV star.

NINO: It is I, your favorite TV star, NINO, again! We are interrupting your program to let you know that WE are going to be coming to YOUR town soon! I hope that you DO enjoy your program, because, in the meantime, you can't enjoy us just yet!

The screen flashes and switches to the star again. This time the star reads -WE NOW RETURN TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM! A girl with pink hair and a ribbon, with eyes that are way too big for her head appears on the screen.

GIRL: Y-You're a ghost, Y-Yuki?

BOY, with white hair, turns and looks at her. His hair blows in the wind before he speaks, very dramatically.

BOY: Unfortunately, Rosaline...

The girl starts to cry, breaking down on her knees.

GIRL: It can't be true!

The television screen flashes off. Now we show our main characters- USLAS, a giant purple woman with fluffy blue hair, and LEMON GRANT- A human boy with white hair. They both look very dumbfounded, USLAS looks more disappointed then happy.

USLAS: That's what you wanted to show me?

LEMON: No, no, no! Rosaline had much more character development...That guy NINO just interrupts TV so much.

Lemon proceeds to roll his eyes before talking.

LEMON: What's he mean "coming to our town" anyway? Has he got some kind of band?

USLAS: Seems so...he seems...annoying anyway...

A clock on the wall, in the shape of a red woman's face, starts to make sounds.

CLOCK: Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! You have a mission!

USLAS: Okay! Shut it!

CLOCK fades slowly into silence. LEMON looks up at USLAS, looking hopeful.

LEMON: You have a mission? What is it?

USLAS: It's nothing huge...I have to find a hidden metal that might explode a mountain, crumbling on thousands of villagers. Or something like that.

LEMON: Can I go? It's boring here in town.

USLAS: I don't see why not. You're good at fending for yourself, LEMON.

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