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Bright artificial light nearly blinded Pandora as she opened her eyes.
Looking around, she was in a hospital bed with an IV drip hooked to her arm.

Bandages were around her neck, arms, sides, and chest.
That......Thing...It did this to me...

Trying to sit up, she flinched and fell back against the hospital bed in pain.
Everything hurts... So much... she thought in pain.
I shouldn't have gone in there...

Each breath was forced and ragged.

A nurse entered, followed by Pandora's mother.
Her mother raced to her, crouched and hugged her gently.
"I'm so glad you're okay! I told you to stay out of the attic, that place is unusually unsafe." she said.

"...I'm sorry mom...
I was just curious, and wanted to see what was in it... I didn't think I'd end up nearly dead."

"Ma'am, your daughter will go home after four weeks.
The medical bill will be sent with you home."

"Okay... Just please make sure she's okay..."

"Of course ma'am. That's our job."

"Thank you." she said, before giving Pandora another hug, then leaving after a moment.

"What's the time?" asked Pandora to the nurse.

"3:00 AM. You were out for two days."

"Two days?"

"That is correct."

I really shouldn't have gone in there... But what the hell... Was that... Thing...?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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