Chapter 14

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"we should go shopping for clothes for them soon, diapers too, and other necessities"

"yes we should"

after he said that you have a small pain in your stomach, you get a bit worried.


you shoot up into a sitting position and caress your stomach.

"what?!" he said in a panic.

"i don't know"

"are you alright??"

"yeah... just a little pain"

"alright, let me know if we have to go to the hospital"


you lay back down with him, still caressing your stomach. you lay there for another 5 minutes before you feel the pain once again. you sit up again, wondering what the pain was. it was now constant, unlike last time. you lift up your shirt to examine your stomach.



he points to the side of your stomach.

"... there's a ... foot"

you adjusted yourself to see what he was pointing at. there it is... a foot. you feel a pain on the other side. you look over there, nothing.

you feel the pain at the place below your breasts. you move your shirt up more... there's another sight of a foot. you smile widely.

"they are kicking!" you say cheerfully.



"that's great!"

"they catch on really fast"

"i'm so proud and i haven't even met them yet"

"another 4 months" you speak while caressing your stomach again.

"that made my heart beat faster"


"i'm nervous, yet excited"

"me too, don't worry" you say, reassuring him.

you lay down once again with him. he pets your hair while you rub the skin of your stomach. he moves one of his hands to the top of your right hand. he touches your stomach as well. he felt one kick.

"wow, that's breathtaking"

"it truly is"

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