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Sequel to The Most Dangerous Game

Sanger Rainsford had just woken up, and his eyes began to adjust to his surroundings. Once he was aware, he glanced at the TV before turning it on with a click of a remote. Instantly it began to play Corey in the House and he remarked that show with disdain before switching it to another channel, The Swamp channel. Now he sat on the super comfy silk sofa and he was there just sitting, his eyes glazed over from the amazing programs coming across the 50 inch flat screen television. He couldn't believe it, His life was amazing now that he had defeated General Zaroff. He didn't have his stupid friends to deal with anymore, Rainsford thought they were his friends but really they were just in the way.

After watching the Swamp channel for many hours he decided that it would be best if he went outside of his compound and did something productive with his life. Sanger settled on the fact that he would take his best hunting hound out for a leisurely stroll around the island, he did not think that anything special would happen on his walk so he did not bring a rifle with him just his side arm. Oh what a mistake that would turn out to be. . . Unknowing of what was about to happen he and the dog opened the huge rod iron gate and proceeded on their tranquil stroll in the wood. For the first fifteen minutes, everything was going swimmingly, nothing out of the normal, but then far across the island he heard a great yell. He did not think twice he just said to himself, "It must be another sailor, I will get him later" With no worries in his mind he walked on through woods thinking about the programs he watched earlier this morning on the Swamp channel.

In a couple of hours, Rainsford was no longer walked on crunchy, dead leaves but rather in what was starting to become marshland. He continued his stroll and stuck to the patches of skunk cabbage and onions because they were practically the only type of land in the swampy area. Suddenly, the smell of onions was ogrewhelming. Rainsford was bewildered by this, how could such a change in scent be so dramatic, and random? Nevertheless, he kept walking and pushed it to the back of his mind. But that would be just another grand mistake. . .

By the time he had reached the deep swamp area, he heard rustling in the bushes and looked around to see what it was. Sanger hoped for a big cat of some sort, or possibly a cassowary, but then knew that his simple side arm could not take it down quickly, and he'd rather not risk his life. There was a disturbance in the ferns once again and his faithful companion quickly dashed off with a whimper. Rainsford's eyes widened, he lifted his pistol and gave off a warning shot while praying that it would frighten the beast and make it scurry off.

He knew that at this point he could not run as that was the exact opposite of what you do in the presence of a predatory animal. But what he did not know was the creature he was facing was not an animal, rather it was something only seen on TV... The Swamp channel to be exact... He was terrified, but also mystified at what stood towering ogre him, his first thought was to shoot the bloody thing as many times as he could and then run as fast as he could toward his compound but then the massive green creature said, "It's all ogre now". This scared the pants off of Rainsford, he did not know what to do. . . He did the worst thing he could do. . .

He stuck out his hand and said "Hi I'm Rainsford, how are you?" The beast was confused at why a mere human would have such disrespect to a great ogre like him. In response the ogre took Rainsford's hand and shook it with such force that he almost dislocated his shoulder.

Suddenly the ogre released Rainsford's hand and screamed into the swamp "DONKEY!" At this moment Rainsford knew he had to run. . . it was his only option if he wanted to live. With that thought in his head, he bolted into the depths of the island's woodlands. . . only to start seeing things, or so he thought he was seeing things. . . everywhere he turned there was a small green ogre saying "This is our Swamp" Rainsford could not put two and two together so he kept running little did he know he was not heading toward his compound the little ogres that called themselves Shreklings had turned him around and in reality he was heading right back to the swamp into the grasp of that big viridescent monster.

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