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Ok so in the A/N I posted I was given a really awesome idea by PsychoDragon7 and I think it's worth writing. Thanks again for giving the idea! I hope this is a good chapter!

Maggie's POV

Shitshitshit its Jake again and he's with Dirk I can't fend them off and I don't want them to get killed oh fuck what do I do? I thought and frantically tried to find a solution. "FUCK!" Karkat suddenly shouted and grabbed me and Jade and took off. "KARKAT WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted back at him as I heard Jake's pistols firing. "Karkat bring us back down!" Jade pleaded. "There is no fucking way I am leaving you two down there with the guy THAT TRIED TO FUCKING KILL US." He replied and put the two of us on his back. The other three dragons were already up with their human friends, also asking for them to go back. "Wait, Jake tried to kill you?!" Jade said in alarm. "He and I were out flying the day the storm hit and we landed on your island. John and Dave found us first, but then Jake shot at us and I ended up fighting Dirk. We came out of it ok though." I explained to her. "Dammit! How many times do I have to tell him that dragons aren't dangerous?" She cursed. "Where are we even going anyway?" She asked once the island was out of sight. "Home, I think." I answered her. "I'm going to drop you off at your place." Karkat said. "What? No! GHB would probably kill them if he got the chance! He hates humans except for me! In what world is that a good idea?" I protested. "Well it's not like I can leave them anywhere else." "What about the Nitrams? Or the Maryams?" "I'm pretty sure they should stick with you." "Then why can't we take them back?" "Because that means that you and I will either end up separated, dead, or fucking both!" We argued until the island of Alternia came into view. It was still in pretty bad shape from the storm, but it was looking a bit better. Karkat had finally won the argument. "Fine. I'll see what I can do." I muttered. We landed on the beach that lead to the cave I called home, and the four dragons left, leaving me and the four other humans standing there. They followed me up to the entrance where I was greeted with Kurloz. "I can explain." I said when he gave a suspicious look at the other four. I told him the story and he listened silently through the whole thing. When I finished he gave me a look that said Dad's gonna kill you. "Don't you think I know that? Karkat talked me into it." I huffed as he flew off to wherever he was going. "Wait, you can hear him, but we can't? How does that work?" John asked from behind me. "A while back, before I got here, Kurloz got into a bad fight and his vocal chords were crushed and didn't heal properly. He doesn't actually talk but after living with him for a few years I learned to just get the gist of it." I explained. They all seemed to be looking at something behind me. "He's behind me, isn't he?" I said quietly and they nodded. I turned around to see GHB towering over us. "I can explain?" I tried again. "You. Follow me. I need to talk to you." He growled. "Wait here." I told the group and jogged after GHB. "You know MOTHERFUCKIN WELL that I don't like any humans besides your little motherfuckin self, correct?" He growled at me. "Yes I know that but-" "Then why did you bring home FOUR MORE OF THOSE FUCKERS?" He roared. "Do you want the short version or the long version?" I asked him. "WHAT DO YOU MOTHERFUCKIN THINK?" "Long version it is." I said and explained the whole thing AGAIN. After I was finished he sat down and growled. I knew he was debating whether to let them live or to just cull them. I really hoped it was the first one.


Maggie knows MOTHERFUCKIN WELL that I do not like any humans besides her. And the little fucker decides to bring home FOUR MORE. She explained the whole thing to me. On the one talon, she broke the one rule I asked her not to break, so really this was her fault. On the other talon, I knew that humans needed other humans to stay sane, and that sooner or later she would go crazy from lack of human contact, and even though she talked with dragons every day it wasn't the same. Still, I can't have her bringing strange humans to the island whenever she pleases, because the island is secret for a reason. But then again, isn't that exactly what I did when I brought her here? I gave nobody any warning when I dropped her off at that cave, and she gave absolutely no warning that she had these other humans. I guess that made us even. Still, she said that these humans had befriended dragons just like she had, so they were at least worthy of a try. "They can stay, but they must swear to never tell anyone where this island is located. Understand?" I said to her and her face lit up. "Understood!" She cheered and ran back to the other humans. I followed her and they looked up at me. "I have decided to let you live and visit this island, but on one condition. You must swear to never tell anyone its location." I said to them. "Y-yes sir." They all said. "Good. Make sure they get back home by sunset." I said and walked back into the cave.

Maggie's POV

"I can't believe that actually worked!" I cheered. "You lived with him for four years? That is hardcore." Dave said. "Eh he's only like that when he's pissed." I said. "I HEARD THAT MOTHERFUCKER." GHB shouted from inside the cave. "Well it's true!" I shouted back. "So what are we going to do while we're here?" Jade asked. "Follow me." I said and headed into the trees.

Ok so thanks again to PsychoDragon7 for suggesting this idea. I'm off of my writer's block because I know what to do for the next chapter, so you won't have to wait long! K that's all.

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